Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home by Yiyi Lanxi

Synopsis and Starting Chapter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 - 41 Uncle Shao'S Bad Mood
Chapter 42 - 42 Daughter-In-Law'S Dowry
Chapter 43 - 43 Shao Yunduan'S Gentleness
Chapter 44 - 44 Stupid
Chapter 45 - 45 Heart-Poking
Chapter 46 - 46 Updated Space
Chapter 47 - 47 Superpower Expanded
Chapter 48 - 48 Back Home
Chapter 49 - 49 Argument
Chapter 50 - 50 Ashamed
Chapter 51 - 51 Qiao Xuan'S Laughter
Chapter 52 - 52 Splurging Housewife
Chapter 53 - 53 Rich
Chapter 54 - 54 A Lucky Star
Chapter 55 - 55 Praise
Chapter 56 - 56 Ms. Fang'S Welcoming
Chapter 57 - 57 Water In House
Chapter 58 - 58 Heart-Breaking
Chapter 59 - 59 Nonsense
Chapter 60 - 60 Qiao Xuan'S Attention
Chapter 61 - 61 Rabbit Nest
Chapter 62 - 62 Sour
Chapter 63 - 63 Cultivated Talent'S Wife
Chapter 64 - 64 No Explanation
Chapter 65 - 65 Coldness
Chapter 66 - 66 Not Countering
Chapter 67 - 67 Meaning
Chapter 68 - 68 Yang Xiaoni'S Happiness
Chapter 69 - 69 Qiao Xuan'S Idea
Chapter 70 - 70 Ms. Tian'S Fierce Words
Chapter 71 - 71 The Villagers' Look
Chapter 72 - 72 Irritation
Chapter 73 - 73 Dumb
Chapter 74 - 74 Qiao Xuan'S Smile
Chapter 75 - 75 Unreliable
Chapter 76 - 76 Qiao Xuan'S Confirmation
Chapter 77 - 77 One Step After Another
Chapter 78 - 78 Paid Work
Chapter 79 - 79 Anger Vent
Chapter 80 - 80 Your Abilities
Chapter 81 - 81 Taken Advantage Of
Chapter 82 - 82 Ms. Tian'S Sneer
Chapter 83 - 83 Accident
Chapter 84 - 84 Ms. Fang'S Concern
Chapter 85 - 85 Money
Chapter 86 - 86 Qiao Xuan Satisfied
Chapter 87 - 87 Anticipation
Chapter 88 - 88 Fifth Sister-In-Law
Chapter 89 - 89 With Fifth Sister-In-Law
Chapter 90 - 90 Background
Chapter 91 - 91 Eldest Uncle Stuck
Chapter 92 - 92 Fifth Sister-In-Law
Chapter 93 - 93 Fifth Sister-In-Law, So Good
Chapter 94 - 94 Teasing Ms. Niu
Chapter 95 - 95 Good Idea
Chapter 96 - 96 Bad Daughter-In-Law
Chapter 97 - 97 Glad
Chapter 98 - 98 New Changes In Space
Chapter 99 - 99 Harvest
Chapter 100 - 100 Ideas
Chapter 101 - 101 Nice Treatment
Chapter 102 - 102 No Greed
Chapter 103 - 103 No Step Backwards
Chapter 104 - 104 Ms. Xu'S Anticipation
Chapter 105 - 105 Acceptance
Chapter 106 - 106 Qiao Xuan More Satisfied
Chapter 107 - 107 Recognition
Chapter 108 - 108 Later
Chapter 109 - 109 Fish And Shrimp
Chapter 110 - 110 Qiao Xuan'S Interest
Chapter 111 - 111 Rich
Chapter 112 - 112 Foodies
Chapter 113 - 113 Sweet Barberries!
Chapter 114 - 114 Rules
Chapter 115 - 115 A Fight
Chapter 116 - 116 Reason
Chapter 117 - 117 Louder Cries
Chapter 118 - 118 Ms. Niu And Ms. Ma
Chapter 119 - 119 Daughter-In-Law
Chapter 120 - 120 Fight On
Chapter 121 - 121 Bad People
Chapter 122 - 122 Elder Sister-In-Law
Chapter 123 - 123 Shameless
Chapter 124 - 124 Chance
Chapter 125 - 125 Face For Them
Chapter 126 - 126 Young Master
Chapter 127 - 127 Qiao Kou And Concubine Du
Chapter 128 - 128 Praises
Chapter 129 - 129 Not Outstanding
Chapter 130 - 130 Elder Miss Qiao'S Request
Chapter 131 - 131 Not Her
Chapter 132 - 132 Super Luck
Chapter 133 - 133 Exception
Chapter 134 - 134 Pause
Chapter 135 - 135 An Image
Chapter 136 - 136 What To See
Chapter 137 - 137 An Idea
Chapter 138 - 138 Laughing
Chapter 139 - 139 His Own Reasons
Chapter 140 - 140 Festival
Chapter 141 - 141 Family
Chapter 142 - 142 Embarrassment
Chapter 143 - 143 Arrival
Chapter 144 - 144 Dumbfounded
Chapter 145 - 145 Guilty
Chapter 146 - 146 No Need
Chapter 147 - 147 Offering
Chapter 148 - 148 Intention
Chapter 149 - 149 Not Really
Chapter 150 - 150 Helpers
Chapter 151 - 151 Ideas
Chapter 152 - 152 Empty Words
Chapter 153 - 153 Your Words
Chapter 154 - 154 Second And Third Section Of The Family
Chapter 155 - 155 Here Again
Chapter 156 - 156 More Angry
Chapter 157 - 157 Finally
Chapter 158 - 158 Good Things
Chapter 159 - 159 Tricky
Chapter 160 - 160 Favored Madame
Chapter 161 - 161 Qiao Xuan'S Use
Chapter 162 - 162 Lipsticks
Chapter 163 - 163 Achievements
Chapter 164 - 164 Ms. Fang'S Intention
Chapter 165 - 165 Bad For Money
Chapter 166 - 166 Yuezheng Xiao'S Appearance
Chapter 167 - 167 Straightforward People
Chapter 168 - 168 Nice To Fifth Sister-In-Law
Chapter 169 - 169 County Magistrate Qiao Shocked
Chapter 170 - 170 Shameless
Chapter 171 - 171 Dirty Shoes
Chapter 172 - 172 The Most Steady Protection
Chapter 173 - 173 Yuezheng Xiao'S Sneering
Chapter 174 - 174 Badly-Mannered
Chapter 175 - 175 Mouth
Chapter 176 - 176 Jealousy
Chapter 177 - 177 Invitation
Chapter 178 - 178 Tricks
Chapter 179 - 179 Not An Empty Trip
Chapter 180 - 180 Fight
Chapter 181 - 181 Qiao Xuan'S Compensation
Chapter 182 - 182 Lecture
Chapter 183 - 183 Maid
Chapter 184 - 184 Maid From Sister
Chapter 185 - 185 Overcome
Chapter 186 - 186 Habit
Chapter 187 - 187 Ideas
Chapter 188 - 188 Feeling Good
Chapter 189 - 189 Too Lazy
Chapter 190 - 190 Not Her
Chapter 191 - 191 Different Identities
Chapter 192 - 192 Elder Miss'S Prize
Chapter 193 - 193 Clear In Mind
Chapter 194 - 194 Not Others
Chapter 195 - 195 Real Second Miss
Chapter 196 - 196 Fierceness
Chapter 197 - 197 Balanced
Chapter 198 - 198 One Thing Left
Chapter 199 - 199 Proud Ms. Tian
Chapter 200 - 200 Revenge
Chapter 201 - 201 Different Second Miss
Chapter 202 - 202 Bad Luck
Chapter 203 - 203 Ms. Fang Alone
Chapter 204 - 204 Good Luck
Chapter 205 - 205 Shameless
Chapter 206 - 206 Not An Easy Deal
Chapter 207 - 207 Grudge
Chapter 208 - 208 Out Of Dream
Chapter 209 - 209 One Meal Or Two
Chapter 210 - 210 Greedy Shao Yunduan
Chapter 211 - 211 Two Dumb People
Chapter 212 - 212 Rest
Chapter 213 - 213 Good
Chapter 214 - 214 Message
Chapter 215 - 215 Displeased
Chapter 216 - 216 Ideas
Chapter 217 - 217 Not Her Home
Chapter 218 - 218 Embarrassed
Chapter 219 - 219 Not Ms. Fang
Chapter 220 - 220 Weirdos
Chapter 221 - 221 Not Return
Chapter 222 - 222 Bad Luck
Chapter 223 - 223 Venting Anger
Chapter 224 - 224 No More Trouble
Chapter 225 - 225 Incomplete Awareness About Second Miss
Chapter 226 - 226 The Whole Family
Chapter 227 - 227 Into The Mountains Again
Chapter 228 - 228 Deep Mountain
Chapter 229 - 229 Show
Chapter 230 - 230 Fifth Grandpa Ding'S Granddaughter
Chapter 231 - 231 Wrap Up The Matter
Chapter 232 - 232 Rights Of Discourse
Chapter 233 - 233 Qiao Xuan'S Vision
Chapter 234 - 234 Starvation
Chapter 235 - 235 A Pure-Minded Girl
Chapter 236 - 236 Where
Chapter 237 - 237 Blank In Mind
Chapter 238 - 238 Good Thing
Chapter 239 - 239 Flourishing
Chapter 240 - 240 Escape
Chapter 241 - 241 The Ding Family
Chapter 242 - 242 Nowhere To Be Seen
Chapter 243 - 243 Shao Yunduan'S Consolation
Chapter 244 - 244 Separation
Chapter 245 - 245 Nothing Attached
Chapter 246 - 246 Fifth Grandpa Ding'S Grudge
Chapter 247 - 247 Kind-Hearted
Chapter 248 - 248 Qiao Xuan'S Bad Feelings
Chapter 249 - 249 Dumbfounded
Chapter 250 - 250 Attitudes
Chapter 251 - 251 Hard Working
Chapter 252 - 252 Watermelon
Chapter 253 - 253 Not Herself
Chapter 254 - 254 Not Returning
Chapter 255 - 255 Ideas
Chapter 256 - 256 Nosy
Chapter 257 - 257 How Dare He
Chapter 258 - 258 Confused No Longer
Chapter 259 - 259 Fields
Chapter 260 - 260 Words
Chapter 261 - 261 Assured
Chapter 262 - 262 Yuezheng Xiao Here
Chapter 263 - 263 Widow Sun
Chapter 264 - 264 Hoax
Chapter 265 - 265 Widow Sun'S Plan
Chapter 266 - 266 Guests
Chapter 267 - 267 Beneficial Things
Chapter 268 - 268 Not Enough
Chapter 269 - 269 Broad-Minded Brother Shao
Chapter 270 - 270 Her Superpower
Chapter 271 - 271 Shocked
Chapter 272 - 272 Golden Sprout
Chapter 273 - 273 Tryout
Chapter 274 - 274 More Jealousy
Chapter 275 - Chapter 275: Worth The While
Chapter 276 - Chapter 276: Low-Profile
Chapter 277 - Chapter 277: Annoyed
Chapter 278 - Chapter 278: Mistakes
Chapter 279 - Chapter 279: Interested
Chapter 280 - Chapter 280: A Try
Chapter 281 - Chapter 281: Going Back To The Capital
Chapter 282 - Chapter 282: Plan
Chapter 283 - Chapter 283: Gossip
Chapter 284 - Chapter 284: Watermelons
Chapter 285 - Chapter 285: Watermelons Available
Chapter 286 - Chapter 286: Love Shown Off
Chapter 287 - Chapter 287: Ms. Zhou’S Family
Chapter 288 - Chapter 288: Purpose
Chapter 289 - Chapter 289: Unspeakable Feelings
Chapter 290 - Chapter 290: Watermelon Candy
Chapter 291 - Chapter 291: Chaos
Chapter 292 - Chapter 292: Furious
Chapter 293 - Chapter 293: Begging
Chapter 294 - Chapter 294: Not Interested
Chapter 295 - Chapter 295: Ms. Niu’S Twisted Face
Chapter 296 - Chapter 296: Saddened
Chapter 297 - Chapter 297: Cutting The Hope
Chapter 298 - Chapter 298: Treatment
Chapter 299 - Chapter 299: Random Talk
Chapter 300 - Chapter 300: In Town
Chapter 301 - Chapter 301: Tea Leaves Site
Chapter 302 - Chapter 302: Waiting
Chapter 303 - Chapter 303: Business
Chapter 304 - Chapter 304: Ms. Zhang’S Estrangement
Chapter 305 - Chapter 305: To Province
Chapter 306 - Chapter 306: Lipsticks Again
Chapter 307 - Chapter 307: Tagging Along
Chapter 308 - Chapter 308: Walking Around
Chapter 309 - Chapter 309: Found It
Chapter 310 - Chapter 310: Superpower
Chapter 311 - Chapter 311: Not Promised
Chapter 312 - Chapter 312: Purposeful
Chapter 313 - Chapter 313: Into Province
Chapter 314 - Chapter 314: Examination
Chapter 315 - Chapter 315: Province
Chapter 316 - Chapter 316: Meeting
Chapter 317 - Chapter 317: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 318 - Chapter 318: Thoughts
Chapter 319 - Chapter 319: Contempt
Chapter 320 - Chapter 320: Too Kind
Chapter 321 - Chapter 321: Gifts
Chapter 322 - Chapter 322: Shopping
Chapter 323 - Chapter 323: Hand In Hand
Chapter 324 - Chapter 324: Teasing
Chapter 325 - Chapter 325: Not Possible
Chapter 326 - Chapter 326: Good Things In Mountains
Chapter 327 - Chapter 327: For Favor
Chapter 328 - Chapter 328: Yuezheng Xiao’S Relief
Chapter 329 - Chapter 329: Pretense
Chapter 330 - Chapter 330: Province
Chapter 331 - Chapter 331: Affairs
Chapter 332 - Chapter 332: For Whom
Chapter 333 - Chapter 333: Unexpected Ginseng
Chapter 334 - Chapter 334: Sweet Osmanthus
Chapter 335 - Chapter 335: Nope
Chapter 336 - Chapter 336: Ready To Leave
Chapter 337 - Chapter 337: Worshiping
Chapter 338 - Chapter 338: Not Recognizable
Chapter 339 - Chapter 339: Back To The Qjao Family
Chapter 340 - Chapter 340: Not For Examination
Chapter 341 - Chapter 341: Showing Off
Chapter 342 - Chapter 342: Lipsticks
Chapter 343 - Chapter 343: For Festival
Chapter 344 - Chapter 344: Harvest
Chapter 345 - Chapter 345: Weather Forecast
Chapter 346 - Chapter 346: Teaching For Free
Chapter 347 - Chapter 347: Furious
Chapter 348 - Chapter 348: Messing
Chapter 349 - Chapter 349: Wasted Money
Chapter 350 - Chapter 350: Talk With Senior People
Chapter 351 - Chapter 351: Not Waking Up
Chapter 352 - Chapter 352: Shao Liulang’S Uncertainty
Chapter 353 - Chapter 353: Mountain In Autumn
Chapter 354 - Chapter 354: Into Mountains Again
Chapter 355 - Chapter 355: Harvest
Chapter 356 - Chapter 356: Yuezheng Xiao And Xie Jingrong
Chapter 357 - Chapter 357: Widow Sun Again
Chapter 358 - Chapter 358: Ms. Niu’S Excitement
Chapter 359 - Chapter 359: Driving Away
Chapter 360 - Chapter 360: New House
Chapter 361 - Chapter 361: Speechless
Chapter 362 - Chapter 362: Into Mountains
Chapter 363 - Chapter 363: His Skills
Chapter 364 - Chapter 364: Rejection
Chapter 365 - Chapter 365: The Jelly Made Of The Creeping Figs
Chapter 366 - Chapter 366: Business
Chapter 367 - Chapter 367: Not Aware
Chapter 368 - Chapter 368: Forget It
Chapter 369 - Chapter 369: Too Annoying
Chapter 370 - Chapter 370: Goodbye
Chapter 371 - Chapter 371: Son-In-Law
Chapter 372 - Chapter 372: No Next Time
Chapter 373 - Chapter 373: Tea Seeds
Chapter 374 - Chapter 374: More Land
Chapter 375 - Chapter 375: College
Chapter 376 - Chapter 376: The Creeping Figs
Chapter 377 - Chapter 377: Tea Mountain
Chapter 378 - Chapter 378: Hiring
Chapter 379 - Chapter 379: Uncaring
Chapter 380 - Chapter 380: Unwatchable
Chapter 381 - Chapter 381: Almost
Chapter 382 - Chapter 382: Shao Liulang’S Guest
Chapter 383 - Chapter 383: Proud
Chapter 384 - Chapter 384: Evil Plan
Chapter 385 - Chapter 385: Not To His Home
Chapter 386 - Chapter 386: Jealous
Chapter 387 - Chapter 387: Speechless
Chapter 388 - Chapter 388: Shocked
Chapter 389 - Chapter 389: Shockingly Thick-Cheeked
Chapter 390 - Chapter 390: Tore Off
Chapter 391 - Chapter 391: Work Started
Chapter 392 - Chapter 392: Suspicion
Chapter 393 - Chapter 393: Updated Space
Chapter 394 - Chapter 394: Into Province
Chapter 395 - Chapter 395: Regretful
Chapter 396 - Chapter 396: Favored By Beauty
Chapter 397 - Chapter 397: Limited Version
Chapter 398 - Chapter 398: Dessert Store
Chapter 399 - Chapter 399: Yuezheng Ting Again
Chapter 400 - Chapter 400: Rejection
Chapter 401 - Chapter 401: Angry
Chapter 402 - Chapter 402: Payment
Chapter 403 - Chapter 403: Yuezheng Ting’S Tears
Chapter 404 - Chapter 404: For Real
Chapter 405 - Chapter 405: Working Harder
Chapter 406 - Chapter 406: Sensing Something
Chapter 407 - Chapter 407: Encounter With First Madame
Chapter 408 - Chapter 408: Treasure
Chapter 409 - Chapter 409: Repair
Chapter 410 - Chapter 410: For The Time Being
Chapter 411 - Chapter 411: Flashback
Chapter 412 - Chapter 412: Curious
Chapter 413 - Chapter 413: Dreaming
Chapter 414 - Chapter 414: Invitation
Chapter 415 - Chapter 415: Tryout
Chapter 416 - Chapter 416: Superpower For Disease
Chapter 417 - Chapter 417: Secret
Chapter 418 - Chapter 418: Concern
Chapter 419 - Chapter 419: Ms.Mi Junior’S Guess
Chapter 420 - Chapter 420: Rumor
Chapter 421 - Chapter 421: Investigation
Chapter 422 - Chapter 422: Elder Sister-In-Law
Chapter 423 - Chapter 423: Visit To The Southern Garden
Chapter 424 - Chapter 424: Prediction
Chapter 425 - Chapter 425: Lucky
Chapter 426 - Chapter 426: Slap On Face
Chapter 427 - Chapter 427: Back Home
Chapter 428 - Chapter 428: Stupid Cousins
Chapter 429 - Chapter 429: Pretending People
Chapter 430 - Chapter 430: Jealousy
Chapter 431 - Chapter 431: Updated Space
Chapter 432 - Chapter 432: Trash Space Into Treasure
Chapter 433 - Chapter 433: All Well
Chapter 434 - Chapter 434: Result Of Investigation
Chapter 435 - Chapter 435: Settlement
Chapter 436 - Chapter 436: New House
Chapter 437 - Chapter 437: Too Late
Chapter 438 - Chapter 438: New House
Chapter 439 - Chapter 439: The Qiao Family
Chapter 440 - Chapter 440: More Sour
Chapter 441 - Chapter 441: Shao Yunduan ‘S Distress
Chapter 442 - Chapter 442: A Strike Back
Chapter 443 - Chapter 443: Elder Miss Qiao’S Words
Chapter 444 - Chapter 444: Possibility
Chapter 445 - Chapter 445: Abundance
Chapter 446 - Chapter 446: Reminder
Chapter 447 - Chapter 447: Being Busy
Chapter 448 - Chapter 448: Smoked Fish
Chapter 449 - Chapter 449: Busy
Chapter 450 - Chapter 450: A Narrow Encounter
Chapter 451 - Chapter 451: Strange Elderly Man
Chapter 452 - Chapter 452: Interesting Man
Chapter 453 - Chapter 453: Another Visit
Chapter 454 - Chapter 454: What?
Chapter 455 - Chapter 455: Nonsense
Chapter 456 - Chapter 456: Shut Their Mouths
Chapter 457 - Chapter 457: Hesitation
Chapter 458 - Chapter 458: Capable Elder Man
Chapter 459 - Chapter 459: Reliable
Chapter 460 - Chapter 460: Professional Storymaker
Chapter 461 - Chapter 461: Pride
Chapter 462 - Chapter 462: Happiness
Chapter 463 - Chapter 463: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 464 - Chapter 464: No Idea
Chapter 465 - Chapter 465: My Sister
Chapter 466 - Chapter 466: Good Smell
Chapter 467 - Chapter 467: Willingness
Chapter 468 - Chapter 468: Tomorrow
Categories Genre: All, Ongoing, Romance Status: Ongoing Tags Authors: Alternative names: 农门春暖:家有小福妻,


Total Chapters in book: 468
Estimated words: 335341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1677(@200wpm)___ 1341(@250wpm)___ 1118(@300wpm)

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Page No. 458

Alternative Titles:


Book Synopsis / Detail / Information:

# familyfeud #daughterofamistress #koi

Qiao Xuan, daughter of a county magistrate, supposedly had a fiance that everyone envied. But then her father’s legal wife schemed against her, and married her into a farmer’s family. On the night of her wedding, after seeing how shabby her room was, Qiao Xuan hung herself. When she opened her eyes again, a different Qiao Xuan had transmigrated onto this body.

The new Qiao Xuan stared at her husband and frowned after seeing how shabby the house looked. “Don’t worry. I know that you didn’t want to marry me, so I won’t touch you. I’ll apply for a divorce tomorrow and give you back your freedom.” But wait, Qiao Xuan hadn’t figured out what was going on yet! She couldn’t get a divorce, or else her father’s legal wife wouldn’t forgive her. Also, she was a woman of a different world and possessed special powers. Couldn’t she just build a business from here?

So it was decided. Qiao Xuan began assisting her husband and slapped the faces of all who wronged them. They kept leveling up, and went from being a poor farmer’s family to becoming the richest family in the area. Those who bullied her regretted their actions, and her husband had regrets too. “I never said I wanted to divorce you.” Qiao Xuan was perplexed when he was pressing her down on the bed. Why did he suddenly decide against getting a divorce?

*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************

Chapter 1

Time-Travel For Wedding

Feeling dizzy, with her mind blurring, Qiao Xuan, who was lying in bed, heard the knock on the door.

Then came the voice of a middle-aged woman, who sounded nervous as she asked. “Duan, what happened just now? Is something wrong?”

“…I am fine, Mom. It was just that I hit the chair accidentally.”

The woman instantly got nervous. “What? Are you hurt?”

“No, I am fine! You must be very tired today from everything. Go and sleep now!”

“Alright… but you… you should sleep earlier too…”

It was quiet outside the door, but Qiao Xuan was thinking inwardly. “Damn, what is a man doing inside her room?”

She opened her eyes suddenly.

The moment she looked up, she met a pair of cold-looking eyes staring down at her. She gasped and then started to cough loudly, with hands covering her mouth.

She glanced at the room, which was full of red decoration as well as the sticker of Double Happiness – it was a room meant for a wedding night!

“You… you…” Qiao Xuan sat up quickly and shrunk herself to the corner of the bed, glaring at the man with her eyes widened. “Stay away from me!”

The man sneered slightly and snapped at her with gritted teeth. “You mad woman, you are totally unbelievable! You didn’t have to marry me if you didn’t want to! But for my sharp discovery, my bride would have hung herself on the wedding night! That would ruin my future, and my family’s too!”

Qiao Xuan was dumbfounded and eventually saw the hanging white scarf dangling over the beam. The whole scene looked quite scary, especially when the background in the room was in full red.

Below the white scarf was a chair that had been upturned. It must have been this cheap husband of hers who came to save her, when a strange sound arose, causing his mother to come over and check what was going on.

Suddenly, Qiao Xuan felt dizzy and turned pale, as the memory of the original host emerged inside her mind, stirring crazily inside her head.

The original host wasn’t born lowly, compared to this husband’s family which was only a farming household. Instead, she was the Miss of the County Magistrate’s family, daughter of a concubine.

This daughter of a concubine had been engaged to someone when she was young. That was when her mother was still alive. Her fiance turned out to be an excellent man, who passed the Imperial Examination and was ranked third. He even got the chance to practice to become the County Magistrate in a neighboring county.

Theoretically speaking, the two families should have held the wedding in utter happiness.

But Mrs. Dong, the lineal wife of the family, disliked Qiao Xuan’s birth mother. So she stopped Qiao Xuan from marrying an excellent and promising man like that.

Therefore, she abducted Qiao Xuan by luring her to visit the temple, and got someone to push her into the water.

However, this plan, which should have been done secretively, did not work out. Qiao Xuan was saved by Shao Yunduan from Shaoding Village, namely this bridegroom standing in front of her.

Since the two of them had some skin-to-skin interaction, a wedding had to be hosted just to keep the girl’s reputation as pure and innocent.

That made Mrs. Dong extremely cheerful.

What a wonderful end it turned out to be!

On one hand, she did not have to be burdened with the possibility of killing one person, and on the other hand, Qiao Xuan was able to marry a farmer’s family where she was going to suffer throughout her whole life, having no chance of turning the table of her own destiny!

Therefore, Mrs. Dong informed her husband about this, and swiftly ordered the engagement of Qiao Xuan to be broken off. Later, she got Qiao Xuan to marry the Shao Family within no time.

Qiao Xuan, who was feeling furious and sad, lost all her hope. When she was under heavy guard and monitoring, she could do nothing about her life, but still, she still held some hope.

But when she got married this time, she secretly lifted the red veil over her head and saw this shabby-looking, dungeon-like place. She suddenly felt coldness casting over her body. Feeling that she had no future to look forward to, she decided to hang herself in extreme despair…

However, Shao Yunduan came and saved her right on time. But, actually speaking, the original host was already dead. It was a new Qiao Xuan when she woke up again, a time traveler.


Total Chapters in book: 468
Estimated words: 335341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1677(@200wpm)___ 1341(@250wpm)___ 1118(@300wpm)