The Lucky Wife Reborn In the 90s Era Has A Spatial Ability by Qian Yuan

Synopsis and Starting Chapter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152 - 152 Chapter 151, His Niece Can!
Chapter 153 - 153 Chapter 152, A Perfect Match For Her
Chapter 154 - 154 Chapter 153, When Do You Plan To Marry Me
Chapter 155 - 155 Chapter 154 You Have A Younger Brother, Right
Chapter 156 - 156 Chapter 155, I Guess It’S A Blind Date
Chapter 157 - 157 Chapter 156, Blind Date (1)
Chapter 158 - 158 Chapter 157, Blind Date (2)
Chapter 159 - 159 Chapter 158, Blind Date (3)
Chapter 160 - 160 Chapter 159, Idol'S Burden
Chapter 161 - 161 Chapter 160, Mother Pigs Are Rare Seen
Chapter 162 - 162 Chapter 161, Holding Her Hand?
Chapter 163 - 163 Chapter 162, Using Data To Speak
Chapter 164 - 164 Chapter 163, Heart To Heart
Chapter 165 - 165 Chapter 164, Someone Who Fell From A High Position Will Be Bullied
Chapter 166 - 166 Chapter 165, Why Are They Back?
Chapter 167 - 167 Chapter 166, Who Would Give Her This Money?
Chapter 168 - 168 Chapter 167, Can The Truth Be Bought With Money
Chapter 169 - 169 Chapter 168, Night Watch
Chapter 170 - 170 Chapter 169, Intruder
Chapter 171 - 171 Chapter 170, Doubts
Chapter 172 - 172 Chapter 171, Was It Him?
Chapter 173 - 173 Chapter 172, I Want To Hug You
Chapter 174 - 174 Chapter 173, Take The Household Registration Book And Get The Certificate
Chapter 175 - 175 Chapter 174, Bold Decision
Chapter 176 - 176 Chapter 175, Unanimously Approved
Chapter 177 - 177 Chapter 176, Wife
Chapter 178 - 178 Chapter 177, What Do You Call Me
Chapter 179 - 179 Chapter 178, Would Treat Everyone Equally
Chapter 180 - 180 Chapter 179, A Little Abnormal
Chapter 181 - 181 Chapter 180, Bruise
Chapter 182 - 182 Chapter 181, Bring The Children Or Not
Chapter 183 - 183 Chapter 182, Be Fair And Just
Chapter 184 - 184 Chapter 183, Fate
Chapter 185 - 185 Chapter 184, Face
Chapter 186 - 186 Chapter 185, What Did You See
Chapter 187 - 187 Chapter 186, That Won’T Do, My Heart Will Ache
Chapter 188 - 188 Chapter 187, Give Me One Year
Chapter 189 - 189 Chapter 188, Familiar Uncle
Chapter 190 - 190 Chapter 189, White Lies
Chapter 191 - 191 Chapter 190, Are You In Relationship
Chapter 192 - 192 Chapter 191, Stupid Nephew
Chapter 193 - 193 Chapter 192, The Right To Know
Chapter 194 - 194 Chapter 193, Scene Of Domestic Violence
Chapter 195 - 195 Chapter 194, It Was That Woman Who Seduced Him
Chapter 196 - 196 Chapter 195, A Healthy Child
Chapter 197 - 197 Chapter 196, Why Are You Acting Like Your Mother
Chapter 198 - 198 Chapter 197, She Held It In
Chapter 199 - 199 Chapter 198, Was On The Agenda
Chapter 200 - 200 Chapter 199, Money Is Earned
Chapter 201 - 201 Chapter 200, Sense Of Youth
Chapter 202 - 202 Chapter 201, Was Just Bought In Passing
Chapter 203 - 203 Chapter 202, You Have To Promise Me
Chapter 204 - 204 Chapter 203, Rehearsal
Chapter 205 - 205 Chapter 204, She Was A Girl, So It Would Hurt
Chapter 206 - 206 Chapter 205, The Tough Side
Chapter 207 - 207 Chapter 206, How Can There Be A Next Time
Chapter 208 - 208 Chapter 207, It’S Best To Pretend That You Don’T Know Each Other
Chapter 209 - 209 Chapter 208, Was This Jealousy
Chapter 210 - 210 Chapter 209, Plan
Chapter 211 - 211 Chapter 210, It'S Great To Have A Wife
Chapter 212 - 212 Chapter 211, Do You Think I’M Poor?
Chapter 213 - 213 Chapter 212, Going Back To My House?
Chapter 214 - 214 Chapter 213, Wish Fulfillment
Chapter 215 - 215 Chapter 214, When You Grow Up
Chapter 216 - 216 Chapter 215, This Was Karma
Chapter 217 - 217 Chapter 216, Being Soft-Hearted Is A Disease
Chapter 218 - 218 Chapter 217, Can I Not Wear It
Chapter 219 - 219 Chapter 218, Felt Comfortable
Chapter 220 - 220 Chapter 219, You’Ve Made A Huge Profit From This
Chapter 221 - 221 Chapter 220, Don’T Let Such An Opening
Chapter 222 - 222 Chapter 221, Two Little Fools
Chapter 223 - 223 Chapter 222, Someone With A Fiancé
Chapter 224 - 224 Chapter 223, Qin Doudou
Chapter 225 - 225 Chapter 224, Did You Bully Her?
Chapter 226 - 226 Chapter 225, Someone You Should Be Softhearted For
Chapter 227 - 227 Chapter 226, It'S Not Enough
Chapter 228 - 228 Chapter 227, Nightmare
Chapter 229 - 229 Chapter 228, Never Hurt Herself Again
Chapter 230 - 230 Chapter 229, Take Out The Ring
Chapter 231 - 231 Chapter 230, Registrate
Chapter 232 - Chapter 232: Chapter 231,1 Don’T Even Have The Face To
Chapter 233 - Chapter 233: Chapter 232, Abnormal
Chapter 234 - Chapter 234: Chapter 233, Minor Surgery
Chapter 235 - Chapter 235: Chapter 234, Multiple Choice Question
Chapter 236 - Chapter 236: Chapter 235, Terminal Illness
Chapter 237 - Chapter 237: Chapter 236, Give Me A Hand
Chapter 238 - Chapter 238: Chapter 237, Percentage Of The Profits
Chapter 239 - Chapter 239: Chapter 238, They Are About To Fight
Chapter 240 - Chapter 240: Chapter 239, We Were Wrong
Chapter 241 - Chapter 241: Chapter 240, As Long As You Can Afford A Villa
Chapter 242 - Chapter 242: Chapter 241, Your Sincerity
Chapter 243 - Chapter 243: Chapter 342, Deal
Chapter 244 - Chapter 244: Chapter 243, Sign The Contract
Chapter 245 - Chapter 245: Chapter 244, Biological Mother Filter
Chapter 246 - Chapter 246: Chapter 245, Only You
Chapter 247 - Chapter 247: Chapter 246, Liar
Chapter 248 - Chapter 248: Chapter 247, Don’T Tell The Teacher
Chapter 249 - Chapter 249: Chapter 248, More Beautiful Than Her
Chapter 250 - Chapter 250: Chapter 249, The Person Who Values
Chapter 251 - Chapter 251: Chapter 250, Want A Son So Badly
Chapter 252 - Chapter 252: Chapter 251,1 Wasn’T Going To Say It At First
Chapter 253 - Chapter 253: Chapter 252, You Won’T Suffer A Loss
Chapter 254 - Chapter 254: Chapter 253, Isn’T Your Son Getting Getting His Second Marriage?
Chapter 255 - Chapter 255: Chapter 254, Your Retribution Has Come
Chapter 256 - Chapter 256: Chapter 255, We Won’T Replace Her
Chapter 257 - Chapter 257: Chapter 256, She Actually Dared To Fight With Her
Chapter 258 - Chapter 258: Chapter 257, Retribution
Chapter 259 - Chapter 259: Chapter 258, A Dream
Chapter 260 - Chapter 260: Chapter 259, Only Has One Granddaughter
Chapter 261 - Chapter 261: Chapter 260, The Son Is Lucky Star
Chapter 262 - Chapter 262: Chapter 261, It Seems To Be In The South
Chapter 263 - Chapter 263: Chapter 262, Gossip
Chapter 264 - Chapter 264: Chapter 263, Hope
Chapter 265 - Chapter 265: Chapter 264, Progress
Chapter 266 - Chapter 266: Chapter 265, Are You A God?
Chapter 267 - Chapter 267: Chapter 266, The Ugly Yet Cute Qin Doudou
Chapter 268 - Chapter 268: Chapter 267, Killing One Thousand Enemies While Suffering Comparable Damages
Chapter 269 - Chapter 269: Chapter 268, Fortunately, I Listened To My Sister’S Words
Chapter 270 - Chapter 270: Chapter 269, You’Re Poor, So You’Re Right
Chapter 271 - Chapter 271: Chapter 270, If You Haven’T Retired From The Army
Chapter 272 - Chapter 272: Chapter 271, Money Is Not A Problem
Chapter 273 - Chapter 273: Chapter 272, Which One Do You Love More?
Chapter 274 - Chapter 274: Chapter 273, These Vegetables Cannot Be
Chapter 275 - Chapter 275: Chapter 274, Daycare
Chapter 276 - Chapter 276: Chapter 275, If It’S A Daughter, So Be It
Chapter 277 - Chapter 277:1 Haven’T Seen You Donate Anything
Chapter 278 - Chapter 278: We Won’T Let You Wait Too Long
Chapter 279 - Chapter 279:1 Didn’T Like The Wrong Person
Chapter 280 - Chapter 280: Being Interviewed
Chapter 281 - Chapter 281: What If
Chapter 282 - Chapter 282: On The News
Chapter 283 - Chapter 283:1 Know How To Drive
Chapter 284 - Chapter 284: A Clear Goal
Chapter 285 - Chapter 285: Don’T Push Your Luck
Chapter 286 - Chapter 286: If You Get A Divorce
Chapter 287 - Chapter 287: It’S Always Second Uncle Who Gets Hurt
Chapter 288 - Chapter 288: I’Ll Help You With This
Chapter 289 - Chapter 289: He Is Rich
Chapter 290 - Chapter 290: She Actually Cried
Chapter 291 - Chapter 291: You Don’T Want To Take Responsibility?
Chapter 292 - Chapter 292: Thought It Through
Chapter 293 - Chapter 293: Shot Oneself In The Foot
Chapter 294 - Chapter 294: Borrowing Money
Chapter 295 - Chapter 295: About To Give Birth
Chapter 296 - Chapter 296: If It Doesn’T Work, We’Ll Operate On Her
Chapter 297 - Chapter 297: How Can She Be So Ugly?
Chapter 298 - Chapter 298: Can Be Considered
Chapter 299 - Chapter 299: One Must Always Be Wary Of Others
Chapter 300 - Chapter 300: It’S A Pity There Were No “Ifs”
Chapter 301 - Chapter 301: Salary
Chapter 302 - Chapter 302: Whoever Caused The Trouble Will Clean Up
Chapter 303 - Chapter 303: You Can’T Escape This Beating
Chapter 304 - Chapter 304: The Child Must Be Aborted
Chapter 305 - Chapter 305: Attitude
Chapter 306 - Chapter 306: Only You
Chapter 307 - Chapter 307: What If I Made The Right Bet
Chapter 308 - Chapter 308: With Our Relationship
Chapter 309 - Chapter 309: Have Mercy
Chapter 310 - Chapter 310: Proposal
Chapter 311 - Chapter 311: We Won’T Suffer
Chapter 312 - Chapter 312: I’Ll Go Again Tomorrow
Chapter 313 - Chapter 313: Finally Agree
Chapter 314 - Chapter 314: Married To Love
Chapter 315 - Chapter 315: Handling Matters Impartially
Chapter 316 - Chapter 316: Similar Taste
Chapter 317 - Chapter 317: Beautiful Girl
Chapter 318 - Chapter 318: Who Do You Want To Marry
Chapter 319 - Chapter 319: Proposal
Chapter 320 - Chapter 320: Charwoman
Chapter 321 - Chapter 321: Put Yourself In Another’S Shoes
Chapter 322 - Chapter 322: I’M Sorry
Chapter 323 - Chapter 323: Fickle Women
Chapter 324 - Chapter 324: Partners
Chapter 325 - Chapter 325: Worry
Chapter 326 - Chapter 326: Money Is Really A Good Thing
Chapter 327 - Chapter 327: Good Intentions
Chapter 328 - Chapter 328: Rent The Mountain
Chapter 329 - Chapter 329: Amazing
Chapter 330 - Chapter 330: Little Rascal
Chapter 331 - Chapter 331: It’S Here
Chapter 332 - Chapter 332: Fate
Chapter 333 - Chapter 333: Doghouse
Chapter 334 - Chapter 334: A Slap
Chapter 335 - Chapter 335: Who Dares To Hit My Sister
Chapter 336 - Chapter 336: I’Ll Take Care Of You For A Lifetime
Chapter 337 - Chapter 337: We Have Experience
Chapter 338 - Chapter 338: He’S Not Reliable
Chapter 339 - Chapter 339: Fighting Is Not Cool
Chapter 340 - Chapter 340: Is Big Brother Or Second Brother Better?
Chapter 341 - Chapter 341: A Face Con
Chapter 342 - Chapter 342: Holding A Grudge
Chapter 343 - Chapter 343: Dogs Don’T Just Eat Meat
Chapter 344 - Chapter 344: Sent To The Orphanage
Chapter 345 - Chapter 345:1 Remember It
Chapter 346 - Chapter 346: How Is He Not Worthy Of Me?
Chapter 347 - Chapter 347: Intention
Chapter 348 - Chapter 348: Married A Good Wife
Chapter 349 - Chapter 349: Why Is He Here?
Chapter 350 - Chapter 350: Guarding Against Him
Chapter 351 - Chapter 351: This Move Is Brilliant
Chapter 352 - Chapter 352: Just Drag It Out
Chapter 353 - Chapter 353: There’S Still The Next Step
Chapter 354 - Chapter 354: Split What Money?
Chapter 355 - Chapter 355: What Family, Full Of Bullshit
Chapter 356 - Chapter 356: I’M Sorry
Chapter 357 - Chapter 357:1 Don’T Want Money
Chapter 358 - Chapter 358: The Plan Is Disrupted
Chapter 359 - Chapter 359: I’M In Trouble
Chapter 360 - Chapter 360: How Could I Be Mistaken?
Chapter 361 - Chapter 361:1 Can’T Go
Chapter 362 - Chapter 362: Change Personality
Chapter 363 - Chapter 363: Can’T Stand It
Chapter 364 - Chapter 364: How Can You Despise Me?
Chapter 365 - Chapter 365: Not Worth It
Chapter 366 - Chapter 366: If Only Jingyi Wasn’T My Daughter
Chapter 367 - Chapter 367: Humbly Asking For Advice
Chapter 368 - Chapter 368:1 Don’T Have Money
Chapter 369 - Chapter 369: A Good Look
Chapter 370 - Chapter 370: Why Aren’T You Saying Anything
Chapter 371 - Chapter 371: All Wrong
Chapter 372 - Chapter 372: How Far Has It Progressed?
Chapter 373 - Chapter 373: A Dream
Chapter 374 - Chapter 374: Something’S Wrong
Chapter 375 - Chapter 375: God’S Perspective
Chapter 376 - Chapter 376: Ripping Off The Iou
Chapter 377 - Chapter 377: Who Has A Grudge Against Money
Chapter 378 - Chapter 378: Still Owe Me Money
Chapter 379 - Chapter 379: Little Sister Li Miao
Chapter 380 - Chapter 380: Let Her Go
Chapter 381 - Chapter 381: Doesn’T Belong To Me Anymore
Chapter 382 - Chapter 382: Stop
Chapter 383 - Chapter 383:1 Won’T Dare To Do It Again
Chapter 384 - Chapter 384: Never Again
Chapter 385 - Chapter 385: Somewhat Familiar
Chapter 386 - Chapter 386: Isolated
Chapter 387 - Chapter 387: Choosing A Room
Chapter 388 - Chapter 388: Saw Wrongly
Chapter 389 - Chapter 389: Alone
Chapter 390 - Chapter 390: Do You Know Everything?
Chapter 391 - Chapter 391: New Life
Chapter 392 - Chapter 392: Bass
Chapter 393 - Chapter 393: The Old Qin Family
Chapter 394 - Chapter 394: Persuade Her
Chapter 395 - Chapter 395: So It’S You
Chapter 396 - Chapter 396: Living Bodhisattva
Chapter 397 - Chapter 397: Return Of The Prodigal Son
Chapter 398 - Chapter 398: Didn’T Come To School
Chapter 399 - Chapter 399: This Is A Crime
Chapter 400 - Chapter 400: Found Him
Chapter 401 - Chapter 401: Losing Both People And Money
Chapter 402 - Chapter 402: Their Industry
Chapter 403 - Chapter 403: Choice
Chapter 404 - Chapter 404: Give Too Much
Chapter 405 - Chapter 405: Until The End
Chapter 406 - Chapter 406: Protect Her
Chapter 407 - Chapter 407: Big Romantic
Chapter 408 - Chapter 408: Warmth
Chapter 409 - Chapter 409: There’S Still Us
Chapter 410 - Chapter 410: Gossip
Chapter 411 - Chapter 411: The Plot Of The Novel Shines Into Reality
Chapter 412 - Chapter 412: Envy You
Chapter 413 - Chapter 413: Injured
Chapter 414 - Chapter 414: Disgusting Thoughts
Chapter 415 - Chapter 415: This Person Is Really Boring
Categories Genre: All, Ongoing, Romance Status: Ongoing Tags Authors: Alternative names: 重生九零之锦鲤福妻有空间,


Total Chapters in book: 415
Estimated words: 650638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3253(@200wpm)___ 2603(@250wpm)___ 2169(@300wpm)

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Alternative Titles:


Book Synopsis / Detail / Information:

# endoftheyear

Ji Yuanyuan was the type of person who would ruin a nicely dealt hand. She could have led a carefree life under her family and ex-husband’s protection. Alas, for the sake of a scum named Zhao Tianhua, she caused her mother to die an aggrieved death, her eldest brother to die in a foreign land, and her second brother to be run over by a car and had his head disembodied. She herself even died from childbirth in a shabby house at the countryside, and her baby was strangled to death by Zhao Tianhua. It was right before her death that she learned that her quiet ex-husband almost went mad searching for her.

Ji Yuanyuan was reborn back into the 90s era with extreme luck and a mysterious spatial ability. Since then, Ji Yuanyuan would find money on the ground, boars would run into trees on their own if she was lost in the wild, and her investments would all be successful… When the b*stard scum, Zhao Tianhua approached her again, Ji Yuanyuan kicked him away and latched onto her ex-husband’s leg instead. “Sir, please protect me.”

*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************

Chapter 1

Chapter 1, I Won’t Let You Off 1

In the early morning of winter, the mountain that had rained was covered in a layer of fog.

In a dilapidated tile house on the mountainside, a woman’s groaning could be heard intermittently. She seemed to be in extreme pain.


On the brick bed, a man walked out of the house impatiently and went straight to the pigsty.

This man was less than 1.6 meters tall. He was wearing a dirty and shiny cotton-padded jacket. His big yellow teeth propped up his lips.

“You B * TCH, why are you crying? It’s just giving birth to a child, what’s there to cry about?” The man walked towards the pigsty, then spat and threatened, “If you dare to cry again, I’ll break your legs.”

The pigsty was filled with a stench. There were pigs raised under the wooden board. On the wooden board, there was a woman with disheveled hair and a dirty face curled up in the corner of the wall.

A finger-thick iron chain was tied to her foot. The other end of the iron chain was wedged into the wall.

She had pulled her pants down to her ankles, and there was blood all over her body.

Obviously, she was trying to give birth on her own. She clenched her teeth, and her whole body was exerting strength, and a thin layer of sweat was oozing out from her forehead.

Even though she was in such a sorry state, it could not hide her temperament.

A moment later, she looked at the man with a cold expression and said in a cold voice, “Can you give me a basin of hot water and a pair of scissors?”

The man was furious when he saw the woman’s expression. This B * Tch had been here for a few months. No matter how much he tortured her, she still looked like a dead person.

If that person had not said that he could not kill her, he would have strangled her to death.

He kicked the woman’s stomach fiercely, closed the door, and left.

The man used all his strength in that kick. Ji Yuanyuan only felt a piercing pain, and the child in her stomach seemed to move.

She quickly took a deep breath and prepared to use more strength.

This was her and Tianhua’s child. She had sought medical treatment for many years before finally obtaining this child. If Tianhua knew, he would definitely be very happy.

If she had not been careless and been plotted against by her stepsister, she would not have been sold to this poor country. How could she have fallen to such a state?

When she returned, she would definitely personally send that vicious woman to prison.

In the afternoon, a luxurious car stopped in front of the dilapidated tile house.

The driver was the first to get out of the car. He took out the red carpet from the trunk and carefully spread it on the ground.

Then, a pair of high heels came out of the car and stepped on the red carpet.

A tall and gorgeous woman got out of the car. She waved her hand at the end of her nose in disgust and frowned. “It stinks.”

She thought of something and laughed again. “I wonder if my pampered sister used to staying here.”

On the other side, a man came down. He was tall and handsome. He curled his lips in disdain and stood beside the woman. “You’ll know when you go in and take a look.”

“Brother Tianhua, I’m afraid that your heart will ache when you see it later.” The woman smiled tenderly and leaned against the man’s body.

The man’s eyes flashed, and he said softly, “If I want to feel sorry, it’s because I feel sorry for you. It’s so dirty here. Be careful of your shoes.”

Seeing this, the woman giggled.

The door was opened, and Ji Yuanyuan opened her eyes reluctantly.

In an instant, her heart pounded, and her eyes turned red. Tears poured down, “Brother Tianhua, you finally came to save me.”

She couldn’t wait to go forward and show the child in her arms to Zhao Tianhua. She sobbed, “Look, this is our child. Hold him…”

Before she could finish her words, she stopped.

“Shen Lingxue!” Her breathing quickened, and her tone filled with endless hatred. The way she looked at Shen Lingxue seemed as if she wanted to tear her apart.

It was Shen Lingxue who had tricked her into drinking that cup of wine. It was Shen Lingxue who had caused her to fall to such a state.

Shen Lingxue stepped forward and held onto Zhao Tianhua’s arm. She said coquettishly, “Sister, do you really think that this child is brother Tianhua’s?”

Shen Lingxue’s words were like a bolt from the blue, causing Ji Yuanyuan to freeze on the spot.

Shen Lingxue and Zhao Tianhua…

“Brother Tianhua found a random person on the street to provide the sperm for the IVF. At that time, brother Tianhua was with you to have a legitimate identity to take over Uncle Ji’s company. The one he loves is me, why would he have a child with you?” Shen Lingxue looked at Ji Yuanyuan viciously, bit by bit tore her fantasy to shreds.

Ji Yuanyuan felt as if she was falling into an ice cellar, she lowered her head, looking at the child in her arms.


Total Chapters in book: 415
Estimated words: 650638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3253(@200wpm)___ 2603(@250wpm)___ 2169(@300wpm)