Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor by Heavenly Tyrant Lord

Synopsis and Starting Chapter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63 - Chapter 63: Chapter 62-Jealousy (1)
Chapter 64 - Chapter 64: Chapter 63-Incomparably Wronged (3)
Chapter 65 - Chapter 65: God’S Gift Ceremony (4) _1
Chapter 66 - Chapter 66: A Little Boring (Part 1)
Chapter 67 - Chapter 67: Chapter 66-Please Avoid Suspicion
Chapter 68 - Chapter 68: Chapter 67-Secret Recipe (3) _1
Chapter 69 - Chapter 69: Chapter 68-Having Eyes But Not Seeing (4) 1
Chapter 70 - Chapter 70: Take Responsibility For Me (Part 1)
Chapter 71 - Chapter 71: Chapter 70-Endure Again And Again (1)
Chapter 72 - Chapter 72: Chapter 71- Every Sentence Is Heart-Wrenching
Chapter 73 - Chapter 73: I’Ll Let You Have One Move (4) 1
Chapter 74 - Chapter 74: Guidance From An Expert (Part 1)
Chapter 75 - Chapter 75: Chapter 74-Complete Chaos (Part 2) _1
Chapter 76 - Chapter 76: Disappointing (3) 1
Chapter 77 - Chapter 77: Hit The Wrong Person (4Th Update) _1
Chapter 78 - Chapter 78: Chapter 77-A Mess (1)
Chapter 79 - Chapter 79: Chapter 78 -Encountering A Wind Dragon (2)
Chapter 80 - Chapter 80: Chapter 79 -Inverting Black And White (Third Update) _1
Chapter 81 - Chapter 81: The Princess’S Arrival (4) _1
Chapter 82 - Chapter 82: Cut The Weeds And Eliminate The Roots (Part 1)
Chapter 83 - Chapter 83: Chapter 182-Life And Death Pact (1)
Chapter 84 - Chapter 84: Chapter 83-The Whole Story (3) _1
Chapter 85 - Chapter 85: Chapter 84-The World’S General Trend (1)
Chapter 86 - Chapter 86: Chapter 85 -Eliminating Future Trouble Forever
Chapter 87 - Chapter 87: Disappointing (Part 2) _1
Chapter 88 - Chapter 88: I’M Asking You To Get Lost (3) _1
Chapter 89 - Chapter 89: Chapter 88-Trouble Comes From The Mouth (1)
Chapter 90 - Chapter 90: Chapter 89-Repent And Be Saved (Part 2) 1
Chapter 91 - Chapter 91: Receiving The Ship At The Dock (3) _1
Chapter 92 - Chapter 92: Chapter 91-Shameless (1)
Chapter 93 - Chapter 93: Chapter 92-Reckless (1)
Chapter 94 - Chapter 94: Chapter 93-Feels Good (3) _1
Chapter 95 - Chapter 95: Chapter 94-Hermit Expert (4) _1
Chapter 96 - Chapter 96: Treating Dregs As Treasures (Part 1)
Chapter 97 - Chapter 97: Unable To Tell Good From Bad (2) _1
Chapter 98 - Chapter 98: Chapter 97-Not Admitting To Guilt (3)
Chapter 99 - Chapter 99: Nodding And Bowing (1)
Chapter 100 - Chapter 100: Chapter 199-Ending Things With One Strike
Chapter 101 - Chapter 101: Chapter 100-Proposing Marriage (Part 3) _1
Chapter 102 - Chapter 102: Chapter 101-Complete Explosion (1)
Chapter 103 - Chapter 103: Martial Law Mission (Part 1)
Chapter 104 - Chapter 104: Chapter 103-Like A Dream (3)
Chapter 105 - Chapter 105: Chapter 104-Slightly Knowledgeable (1)
Chapter 106 - Chapter 106: The True Dragon In The Sky (Part 2) _1
Chapter 107 - Chapter 107: Chapter 106-One Stands By One (3)
Chapter 108 - Chapter 108: I’Ll Give You A Chance
Chapter 109 - Chapter 109: The Prime Minister’S Wife (Part 2) 1
Chapter 110 - Chapter 110: Chapter 109-1 Said I’M Not Sick
Chapter 111 - Chapter 111: Then Let’S Have A Battle
Chapter 112 - Chapter 112: Inexplicable (Part Two) _1
Chapter 113 - Chapter 113: Chapter 112-Incurable
Chapter 114 - Chapter 114: Chapter 113-Dying In The Evening
Chapter 115 - Chapter 115: Chapter 114-1 Have A Backer
Chapter 116 - Chapter 116: Chapter 115 -Too High To Climb (1)
Chapter 117 - Chapter 117: Chapter 116 -The Best Scapegoat
Chapter 118 - Chapter 118: Chapter 117-Miserable Again And Again
Chapter 119 - Chapter 119: The Final Outcome (1)
Chapter 120 - Chapter 120: Chapter 119 -Give Him One
Chapter 121 - Chapter 121: You’Re Too Weak
Chapter 122 - Chapter 122: Vulnerable To A Single Blow (1)
Chapter 123 - Chapter 123: Chapter 122-Teachable Child
Chapter 124 - Chapter 124: You ‘Re Too Young
Chapter 125 - Chapter 125: Chapter 124-Another Wave
Chapter 126 - Chapter 126: Lord Dog’S People (Part 2) _1
Chapter 127 - Chapter 127: Chapter 126-Fate Ends Here (3)
Chapter 128 - Chapter 128: The Immortal Cave
Chapter 129 - Chapter 129: How Poor Are You?
Chapter 130 - Chapter 130: Being Rich And Willful (2) 1
Chapter 131 - Chapter 131: Chapter 130-Having Eyes But Not Seeing
Chapter 132 - Chapter 132: Chapter 131-Acting On His Own Initiative (1)
Chapter 133 - Chapter 133: Chapter 132-The Overall Situation Matters
Chapter 134 - Chapter 134: I’M Advising You Not To Listen
Chapter 135 - Chapter 135: The Cursed Land
Chapter 136 - Chapter 136: The Special Envoy Of The Heavenly Palace
Chapter 137 - Chapter 137: Deliberately Admitting Defeat (3) _1
Chapter 138 - Chapter 138: Waste Your Cultivation
Chapter 139 - Chapter 139: Force Me To Make A Move
Chapter 140 - Chapter 140: Unprecedented (1)
Chapter 141 - Chapter 141: Chapter 140-Unrepentant (2)
Chapter 142 - Chapter 142: Sweeping Across Invincibility (3) _1
Chapter 143 - Chapter 143: Crushing And Winning The Championship (1)
Chapter 144 - Chapter 144: Chapter 143 -Vulnerable (1)
Chapter 145 - Chapter 145: Inverting Black And White (3Rd Chapter) _1
Chapter 146 - Chapter 146: Chapter 145 -Imminent Disaster (1)
Chapter 147 - Chapter 147: Chapter 146-The Truth Is Revealed (Part Two)
Chapter 148 - Chapter 148: Chapter 147-Great Disappointment _1
Chapter 149 - Chapter 149: Supercilious (1)
Chapter 150 - Chapter 150: Heart Higher Than The Sky (Part 1)
Chapter 151 - Chapter 151: Half-Grade Nirvana Artifact
Chapter 152 - Chapter 152: Godly Doctors Match The Heavens (3)
Chapter 153 - Chapter 153: Red Ghost Arhat (Part 1)
Chapter 154 - Chapter 154: Chapter 153 -A Pearl-Like Woman
Chapter 155 - Chapter 155: Chapter 154-Self-Righteous
Chapter 156 - Chapter 156: I’M Not Convinced (Part 1)
Chapter 157 - Chapter 157: Waiting For Examination (2) 1
Chapter 158 - Chapter 158: Barely Qualified (1)
Chapter 159 - Chapter 159: Chapter 158-Writing A Broken Chapter From Memory (Part 2) _1
Chapter 160 - Chapter 160: Chapter 159 -Not Finished Yet (3)
Chapter 161 - Chapter 161: Superior-Grade Residence (4) _1
Chapter 162 - Chapter 162: Appraising The Bronze Plate (1)
Chapter 163 - Chapter 163: Chapter 162-What’S The Situation?
Chapter 164 - Chapter 164: I Can’T Afford To Use You
Categories Genre: Action, Adventure, All, Fantasy, Ongoing Status: Ongoing Tags Authors:


Total Chapters in book: 164
Estimated words: 296709 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1484(@200wpm)___ 1187(@250wpm)___ 989(@300wpm)

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Book Synopsis / Detail / Information:

Subduing gods and devils, overturning the heavens and earth with the flick of a finger!

The absolute godking awakened a thousand years later. With every sentence from him, the world would be shocked and he would suppress all supreme geniuses; with every step he takes, the weather would change as he tramples all vicious enemies through the world!

This will be updated frequently, hoping readers would add this book to your libraries and seeking recommendation votes!

*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************

Chapter 1

Chapter 1





In the Shrine of Lone Cloud City.

Today was the date for a once-a-year great ceremony that presented offerings to the gods. The faithful believers in the city all came to the Shrine to give their offerings and worship.

Out of all the god statues, there was one with an imposing stature, exuding prestige and majesty.

This was the God Sovereign which the Shrine believed in – Godking Dustless!

He was a Godking whose strength awed the myriad of worlds a thousand years ago, a Godking that governed all the gods in the galaxy!

“Begin the ceremony. All of you, kneel in worship!” The Shrine Master personally conducted the offering ceremony. He glanced at the believers here as he announced.

The first step of the ceremony was to worship Godking Dustless!

The Shrine Master smiled. He was very satisfied with the devout believers who respectively knelt on the ground in worship.

However, all of a sudden, he saw a young man roughly about seventeen years of age from the corners of his eyes.

Everyone was kneeling, but the young man was the only one standing.

“Quickly kneel in worship!” the Shrine Master spoke in an imposing voice.

However, it was like the young man didn’t hear it. His distracted gaze was currently staring at the statue of Godking Dustless.

His name was Xia Qingchen. But more precisely, his name should be Godking Dustless…

Three days ago, the remnant soul of Godking Dustless, who had already died for a thousand years, possessed the body of Xia Qingchen who had just died.

Godking Dustless was reborn with a new identity!

Now, with a completely new appearance, he was standing before his statue.

Because of the multitude of emotions he was feeling now, he became lost in his thoughts.

“Qingchen, don’t be in a daze. Quickly kneel!” Beside him, his father Xia Yuan tugged on the corner of his shirt as he urged.

Xia Qingchen cast a glance around the Shrine and shook his head lightly as he spoke, “It’s better for me not to kneel or something would happen.”

(Something would happen? What could happen?) Xia Yuan had a baffled look on his face.

“Young man, if you continue to show disrespect to all the god statues here, you and your family will never be allowed to enter the Shine again in the future!” the Shrine Master spoke unhappily.

Xia Yuan anxiously stood up. “Chen`er, what are you thinking?”


Xia Qingchen felt helpless in his heart. He sighed in a low voice. “Alright then, all of you better don’t regret.”

He went on his knees onto the praying mat before him.

At the instant his knees came in contact with the ground, the entire Shrine trembled intensely.

Several of the ‘seven-seven’ forty-nine god statues placed around Godking Dustless’s statue all imploded from within.

For the less severe cases, the statues shattered from the waist up. And for the more severe cases, the statues completely crumbled apart!

Such a huge phenomenon caused the believers to be so frightened that they madly ran out of the Shrine, pushing against each other, causing huge chaos.

Even the Shrine Master was so scared that his countenance turned pale. The Shrine was trembling while so many god statues exploded at the same time. This was a bizarre and unprecedented incident!

Luckily, everything returned to calmness after the statues exploded. There were no other phenomena.

The believers all felt panic in their hearts along with a lingering fear. Terror could be seen on their faces.

Only Xia Qingchen had a look of calmness on his face. He sighed in a low voice, “I’ve already said that I cannot kneel.”

Although his divine body had already been destroyed, his soul was still Godking Dustless. How could a tiny Shrine be able to endure the impact of him kneeling?

Seeing that the Shrine didn’t explode, it was already considered a very light consequence.

“Hey young man, come over.” At this moment, an old man in grey robes stared at Xia Qingchen, his face ashen.

His name was Elder Tie and he was one of the elders of the Shrine. His daily responsibility was to safeguard Godking Dustless’s statue.

He blamed the earlier phenomenon that occurred in the Shrine onto Xia Qingchen who refused to kneel in time to worship.

Xia Qingchen inclined his head, his expression was calm as he asked, “Do you have a problem?”

From his expression, there was no respect that an ordinary person would express when facing an elder of the Shrine.

Elder Tie berated in a strict tone, “Do you know that you have offended Godking Dustless earlier?”

Xia Qingchen felt this particular question extremely ridiculous. (Did I offend myself? Why didn’t I know about it?)

“How did I offend him?”

“You refused to kneel in worship. It means that you are committing a sin!” Elder Tie coldly spoke.

Xia Qingchen laughed. “Godking Dustless isn’t fond of all the convoluted and overelaborate details. Actually, it’s fine whether one kneels or not before his statue.”

He had never forced any believers to kneel. It was enough as long as they had sincerity in their hearts.

“What nonsense! How much is your understanding of Godking Dustless? How dare you question the truth…” Elder Tie berated.

Xia Qingchen calmly replied, “My understanding of him should be pretty in-depth.”

In this world, was there anyone who knew him better than himself?

He glanced at the believers who were still in a state of fright. Xia Qingchen then spoke, “Forget it, let me guide you guys a little.”

Guide us?

Elder Tie thought that he had heard wrongly.

“Firstly, I…cough cough. I mean Godking Dustless hates livestock in his sacrificial items. Just offering simple fruits would do!” Staring at the roasted pig and lamb on the table, Xia Qingchen involuntarily shook his head.

Back then, when he had roamed the world freely and returned to his Shrine, he would only eat the fruits offered. He wouldn’t taste the other offerings at all.

“Secondly, throw the dog leash in the statue’s palm away.” It was unbearable that after a thousand years, the believers actually thought that the dog leash was his magic treasure!

He supposed it could only be blamed on the fact that he was invincible back then and it was very rare for him to use the Heaven Punishing Sword.

This led to a misunderstanding that the dog leash he had been using on his dogs was his magic treasure instead!

“Lastly, those statues that exploded are the gods who had betrayed Godking Dustless. What are your intentions by placing their statues here and worshipping them alongside Godking Dustless?”

What he couldn’t stand the most was the fact that out of the forty-nine god statues here, there were nineteen gods that had once betrayed him.

And the Shrine actually worshiped them alongside him!

Elder Tie and the others were completely astonished when they heard this.

They weren’t startled by the fact that Xia Qingchen knew so many things. Rather, it was how he could keep a straight face when speaking nonsense.

“Audacious! Because of your disrespect, you caused the Godking to manifest his anger. And yet now, you are still unrepentant and even dare to continue your presumptuous comments of the Godking!” Elder Tie berated after regaining his senses.

He decided to severely punish this young man who showed completely no respect to the Godking Dustless.

“Wait a minute!” However, the Shrine Master suddenly turned his gaze that was filled with traces of bewilderment over. He stared at Xia Qingchen for a long time and asked, “You feel that Godking Dustless’s magic treasure isn’t a dog leash? In that case, what would it be?”

He had once read through an ancient book and the records in it said that Godking Dustless wielded a divine sword that was named the ‘Heaven Punishing Sword’. With it, He could even kill an ancient devil god with a single slash.

Hence, he had always been suspecting whether Godking Dustless’s magic treasure was really a dog leash or not.

“The Heaven Punishing Sword,” Xia Qingchen calmly replied.

Upon hearing that, the Shrine Master’s eyes narrowed. This young man before him actually knew about the Heaven Punishing Sword?

After muttering irresolutely to himself for a long time, he flicked his sleeves. “Do what he says. Take away the cooked livestock and remove the dog leash. Also, quickly sweep away the shattered pieces of the god statues!”

In any case, it was harmless if he listened.

With the order from the Shrine Master, the initiates here began to move.

When everything was cleared up, the believers at the scene were all stunned.

“Quickly look, the Godking statue’s head!” All of a sudden, someone exclaimed in shock.

Everyone inclined their heads; all of them were badly startled.

They saw that at the head of the statue, a five-colored halo that resembled a ring was shimmering in and out of existence.

The entire statue was also no longer as dark as gloomy as before. It became dazzlingly bright.

“Miracle! A true miracle!”

Including the Shrine Master, everyone knelt agitatedly as they prostrated themselves in worship.

Only Xia Qingchen silently turned to leave.

“Young man, hold it there.” The Shrine Master abruptly got to his feet and hurriedly chased after Xia Qingchen. “This Shrine Master sincerely invites you to join the Shrine.”

This young man had an incomparable understanding of Godking Dustless. This naturally caused the Shrine Master to feel extremely interested in him.

Upon hearing this, many believers revealed looks of jealousy.

Once one joined the Shrine, this indicated that the person would enjoy endless glory and wealth. That person would also be respected by believers and have a very high status.

“I appreciate your good intentions, but my ambitions lie in the martial path. Many thanks,” said Xia Qingchen decisively.

Leaving aside the fact of how ridiculous it would be for him to worship his own statue, just the blood debt that had lasted a few thousand years was already sufficient to ensure that he would develop himself in the martial path to reach the peak he had once reached.

The Shrine Master was startled. He then sighed. “So your ambitions already lie in the martial path, what a pity.”

But who would have expected that Elder Tie actually sneered now in a strange manner. “Hmph, a mediocre person who fainted in the midst of an examination due to fright actually dares to say that his ambition lies in the martial path?”

The Shrine Master had a look of shock on his face. He re-evaluated Xia Qingchen. “You are that Xia Qingchen?”

Several days ago, the martial pavilion had summoned all the outstanding youngsters in the city to head over there to deepen their learning of the martial path.

A young man named Xia Qingchen had fainted on the scene due to fright. From then on, Xia Qingchen became the butt of the joke in the entire city.

“Shrine Master. Do you have something else you want to guide me on?” Xia Qingchen had a calm expression on his face when he said this.

More accurately, Xia Qingchen didn’t simply faint three days ago; he had a sudden death. And it was because of this that Godking Dustless managed to possess Xia Qingchen’s body and achieved a rebirth.

The Shrine Master felt a sense of relief. Fortunately, Xia Qingchen rejected his invitation. If not, if he recruited someone who was the joke of the entire city into the Shrine, the reputation of the Shrine would definitely be affected negatively.

“Since you are not willing to join the Shrine, I will give you a divine scroll instead. You can exchange it for a shrine artifact any time you want to.” He didn’t try to change Xia Qingchen’s mind. Instead, he went with the flow and gave him a divine scroll as compensation.

Through the years, the Shrine had collected many types of valuable medicines, martial skills, and weapons. These items were never sold to the outside.

One would only have a chance to exchange these items with divine scrolls.

Xia Qingchen accepted the scroll and silently left.

Upon hearing the faint voices of discussion that rejoiced in the calamities and misfortune of others behind his back, he shook his head lightly.

No matter how one looked at it, if Godking Dustless didn’t join the Shrine that worshipped him, the ones that lost out were clearly the Shrine and its believers.

As for his decision? Mere mortals didn’t have the qualification to criticize the martial path of the God Sovereign!


Total Chapters in book: 164
Estimated words: 296709 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1484(@200wpm)___ 1187(@250wpm)___ 989(@300wpm)