Zhanxian by Ren Yuan

Synopsis and Starting Chapter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Chapter 235
Chapter 236
Chapter 237
Chapter 238
Chapter 239
Chapter 240
Chapter 241
Chapter 242
Chapter 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246
Chapter 247 Chapter 247 Either the Law or the Sect Master Is at Fault Yang Chen’s voice was able to travel so far because of help from the golden bell. He had used the golden bell which could barely function to louden his voice before letting his voice out. The shapeless soundwave was accompanied by an unparalleled momentum that helped spread it to its surroundings uncontrollably. A crisp yet deep voice propagated into the ears of everyone within fifty meters instantly. Yang Chen did not move a muscle nor did he ask Sun Qingxue to invite Elder Hua Wanting to come over. Nobody would have thought that he was actually directing his question towards Lu Zhenyu of the Clear Sky Sect. It would not be much of an issue if he was just shouting a few words out. The most that could happen was the high level disciples who were guarding the auction would just put an end to that. That would be some fun to watch anyway. But now, Yang Chen was calling out Sect Master Lu’s name. Moreover, he was questioning if the promise the sect master had made earlier still held. With his loud voice, even if an expert were to appear and stop him, it would already be too late. The auction was held at the inner sect and it was just a few metres from the sect master’s residence. Yang Chen’s sceam had surely been heard by the sect master. “Who dares to take such liberties at the Clear Sky Sect?” Yang Chen’s echo had not ceased yet but it was soon followed by another harsh voice. Out of nowhere, a shadow of a woman emerged at the entrance of the auction in front of everyone’s eyes. She was sending out enormous pressure around her. Whoosh… The formless pressure was felt by everyone at the entrance. Instantly, the crowd, including the disciples and the spectators fell onto their knees. There was no way they could resist it. Sun Qingxue, who was beside Yang Chen also did the same. The woman who had just appeared must be very formidable. She was surely a Dacheng stage expert. Just by her manners, everyone already could not handle it. The only exception to that was Yang Chen. He was still standing upright at his spot. He had a relaxed expression on his face, as if he had just done something insignificant. “I formally pay my respects to Aunt Master!” echoed the crowd …… Only voices of people paying their respects could be heard. The pressure that had made people fall onto their knees was then halved. Nevertheless, the force that remained still made everyone tremble with fear. Before the woman said a word, nobody dared to stand up. Her gaze was automatically fixed at Yang Chen. Only at this moment, Yang Chen then cupped his hands in front of his chest and made a bow, “I formally pay my respects to Senior Shi!” The woman was actually familiar to Yang Chen. She was Shi Yanhe, a Dacheng expert of the Clear Sky Sect. During the termination of the secret organisation behind the Hundred Thousand Mountains, Elder Shi was one of those who were involved in the operation. They had only met once back then. Who would have known that she was the one in command of the auction today. Shi Yanhe was surprised that Yang Chen did not yield to her immense pressure. But she couldn’t ask about it on such an occasion. She just nodded her head towards Yang Chen as a greeting. However, she immediately realised that his voice was very familiar. It was the same voice as the person who had shouted and screamed earlier. She raised her brows and asked, “Yang Chen, are you the one who was calling out just now?” Apart from Shi Yanhe, those in the crowd and those planning to frame Yang Chen all knew who he was. He had made a reputation for himself after betting with the Wine Immortal in the market a few days ago. His name was now known all over the Clear Sky Sect. Those people did not mention Yang Chen’s name because if there was any blame, they could avoid it by saying they had not known Yang Chen’s identity. Of course, people that were at the higher ranks knew about Yang Chen’s agreement with the Clear Sky Sect. However, the ordinary disciples did not quite understand the agreement. Using the absence of the identification token as an excuse on purpose, the person who had thought of the idea clearly knew about the agreement. Some of the people however, actually had no clue about it. “Yes!” Yang Chen admitted truthfully without denial. “My sect’s auction had delayed some of the honoured guests.” After saying that, everyone was frightened. It was better off when she kept silent. Even she had addressed him as an honoured guest. Wouldn’t the people who had laughed at him be in hot soup? Some of the people who were kneeling on the ground began to shiver. Given how polite Shi Yanhe was,Yang Chen did not explode with anger. He smiled a little and said, “I just want to ask about what you had said before this. The things you have promised me, do they still count?” “The things I have said and the promises I have made naturally still hold,” she assured him. She did not even wait for the sect master to come over to give him an answer. After answering Yang Chen, Elder Shi just remembered the disciples who were still on their knees. She then said, “All of you, stand up!” Her voice was soft but clear as it travelled into everyone’s ears. After Shi Yanhe’s words, the force around her vanished. When the force had decreased, only then did the crowd stood up. But after they stood up, they were still standing in an orderly manner. They were not daring enough to let out a heavy sigh of relief. “The promises still hold?” Yang Chen sneered and said, “It doesn’t look so, does it?” “What is going on?” After hearing what Yang Chen had said, she lost her temper immediately. And for Yang Chen to question her word was practically a joke. But she had no idea what had happened, so she questioned just to be sure. Although Shi Yanhe was the one in command at the auction, she didn’t pay constant attention to any commotion in her surroundings. There had not been a person who dared to cause trouble in the Clear Sky Sect before this. Most of the time, Elder Shi would be engrossed in her cultivation. She would only make her appearance when something had come up. She had only appeared now because of Yang Chen’s scream, but she wasn’t aware of what just happened. After Shi Yanhe shouted angrily, which disciple would dare to step out and speak? Each of them was hiding in the corner, keeping quiet out of fear. And those who stirred trouble up in the first place were shivering tremendously non-stop. The crowd could not control their fear towards Elder Shi. Apart from being a Dacheng stage elder, she had another identity. She was the sect’s Law Enforcement Hall’s master. If any of the disciples had committed any wrongdoings, it was up to her to decide the punishment. Which disciple would not cower in fear after hearing her name? Who would even dare to face her now that she was mad with that kind of position? “Little Xue, you do the talking.” Shi Yanhe did not even need to look around. She already knew the culprits behind this were the people on the scene now. None of them would need to open their mouths. She might as well just call out a name. Sun Qingxue was also intimidated by Elder Shi’s position. She did not dare to move a muscle as she had no other choice. The gap between their levels were too great. She could not neglect the pressure like how Yang Chen did, and now she hasn’t become the Snow Dance Fairy yet. Before Elder Shi, the hall master of Law Enforcement Hall, she was just like a disciple who had been scared shitless. Elder Shi had called Sun Qingxue to speak up and the latter certainly did not dare to disobey. She explained the conflict that had happened in great detail from the beginning when the disciples started to quarrel with them to how Yang Chen wanted to leave, only to be constantly provoked by the crowd. She spilled everything out without reservation. It went without saying that she was still a disciple of the Clear Sky Sect. She was just describing the actions of the Jindan cultivator. As for the people who were aiding him, she did not put too much emphasis on them and only mentioned them briefly. “Yang Chen, is what Little Xue said true?” Shi Yanhe questioned right after Sun Qingxue had finished talking. “It is,” he replied with a nod. Yang Chen would not let Sun Qingxue down. “Liu Shichang, is what Little Xue said true?” questioned Shi Yanhe to the Jindan cultivator who came forward just now. “It is.” The Jindan cultivator was Liu Shichang. He did not dare to play any tricks in front of Elder Shi and admitted with a nod. His face was pale as chalk the moment he said those words. His body was shaking continuously as if he was going to crumble at any moment. It seemed like he could not even stand upright anymore. “Barring you from entering the auction was appropriate according to the sect’s regulations since you did not bring the token as identification.” Shi Yanhe was perplexed by this matter. The situation had developed to this stage and it was indeed giving her a headache. The disciples who were guarding the sect’s auction were merely carrying out their duties. The blame was clearly not on them. Yang Chen did not have the token as identification on him, so he naturally couldn’t gain entry to the auction. If it had been Shi Yanhe who was in the guards’ shoes just now, she would have done the same thing. However, she had known that Yang Chen was qualified to enter the auction. Either way, it was still Yang Chen’s fault for not bringing his token as identification. Nevertheless, Yang Chen was not a member of the Clear Sky Sect. Iit would not be appropriate for her to rebuke him. In her opinion, Liu Shi Chang was at fault too. He should not have mentioned anything regarding the Pure Yang Palace. As for the others, she did not think that they had done anything wrong. This was a time when the Clear Sky Sect was cooperating with the Pure Yang Palace. In addition to that, Yang Chen had the ability to concoct the Heart Questioning Pill. Hence, she could not cover for her disciples too much. “Liu Shichang should not have talked inappropriately, and he should apologise for that,” decided Shi Yanhe, “However, Yang Chen, you did not bring your token as identification, so according to the regulations, you cannot enter the auction.” “I am not very familiar with the regulations of the auction.” said Yang Chen with a smile after listening to what she had said, “Sect Master Lu, back then when you promised me the qualifications to enter the auction, you didn’t give me any token as identification. If the regulations of the auction state thusly, then the fault must lie with…” Yang Chen dragged his voice towards the end but did not finish his sentence. However, everyone at the scene understood what he was going to say next. It must be that Sect Master Lu did not keep his end of the promise. Shi Yanhe was stunned. She did not think that the sect masters had not given him a token as identification after they had made a promise to Yang Chen. She then guessed that some mistake must have occurred somewhere due to rushed work. The most of the fault probably lied with Elder Mo Qian. She had made up her mind to murder Yang Chen before this. So why would she even bother so much about him? It was Elder Mo Qian who had collected the miscellaneous books. She should have given the token as identification to Yang Chen too. But since she had plotted against murdering him, she did not give it to him as it was unnecessary. After that, Elder Mo Qian had disappeared. Sect Master Lu also paid little attention to minor issues like this. Consequently, the result turned out this way. Either the sect master had defaulted on the promise or the regulations of the auction were poorly planned. She had to make a choice among the two options. If it had been someone else in her position, it would still be a hard decision. Yang Chen was not a citizen of the Clear Sky Sect. He did not know about the laws of the auction, so he was excusable. Moreover, regardless of the numerous laws that been enforced, if nobody kept the promises that had been made how would that reflect on the sect to outsiders? After reaping the benefits and promising the other person certain conditions, she was now using her own laws to not fulfill their word. What would other people say if that were the case? “It may also be possible that an error occurred because of the rush.” Yang Chen did not let Elder Shi be in an awkward position for long. He quickly finished his sentence and gave her a way out. “The person who handled this matter must have made a mistake. I will investigate this matter and give you a reasonable explanation.” Shi Yanhe used Yang Chen’s reasoning to step out of the situation all the while defending the reputation of the Clear Sky Sect. Since the person in charge was at fault, it couldn’t be the sect master’s fault. “So, senior, does Sect Master Lu’s promise still hold?” Yang Chen then asked, “Can I still participate in the auction?’ “I am a woman of my word,” said a voice suddenly out of nowhere. It must be the sect master of the Clear Sky Sect, Lu Zhenyu. She had been there not knowing since when. “I formally pay my respects to Sect Master.” All the ordinary disciples kneeled once more. Only Shi Yanhe and Yang Chen remained standing and bowed. Shi Yanhe was the sect master’s junior apprentice sister. She only needed to bow to Lu Zhenyu and did not need to kneel. “Every disciple here, except for Sun Qingxue and Liu Shichang, shall go to the Law Enforcement Hall and receive a hundred whips. All of you must face the wall and repent your mistakes for half a year.” Once Sect Master Lu arrived, he did not say much and announced the punishment for the crowd. “Liu Shichang, you will receive five hundred whips, face the wall for ten years and you are not allowed to receive any allowance for five years.” Every disciple, even the disciples who were guarding the auction were included. It seemed that Sect Master Lu understood the incident in its entirety. He even knew about the sneaky adjusting of the level of admittance at the last minute. Those who had involved themselves in the matter dared not utter a word. All of them accepted the punishment obediently. “Yang Chen, since I have promised you that you can participate in the auction, it goes without saying that you can join,” Sect Master Lu then turned to Yang Chen and said, “From today onwards, Yang Chen of the Pure Yang Palace does not need any token as identification to enter the auction. He can enter and exit the auction as he wishes.” The last sentence reverberated and echoed throughout. Yang Chen’s had asked his question with a different intention in mind but the results were satisfactory nevertheless. Everyone had heard the sect master’s final decision. This decision shocked many. The sect master had made an exception of the law of the auction for Yang Chen alone. He had just enforced a new ruling specifically for Yang Chen, whose position had risen a few levels right away in everyone’s heart. The face of those who teased and ridiculed Yang Chen earlier became paler than ever. They would not have done such a stupid thing in retrospect.
Chapter 248
Chapter 249.1 - Find The Message Channel
Chapter 249.2 - Find The Message Channel
Chapter 250.1 - Cultivating Sun Qingxue
Chapter 250.2 - Cultivating Sun Qingxue
Chapter 251.1 - Treasure Hunt
Chapter 251.2 - Treasure Hunt
Chapter 252.1 - Accident
Chapter 252.2 - Accident
Chapter 253.1 - Entering The Secret Plane To Make A Fortune
Chapter 253.2 - Entering The Secret Plane To Make A Fortune
Chapter 254.1 - Chased By A Dacheng Stage Master
Chapter 254.2 - Chased By A Dacheng Stage Master
Chapter 255.1 - Escape
Chapter 255.2 - Escape
Chapter 256.1 - Chasing To The Sea
Chapter 256.2 - Chasing To The Sea
Chapter 257.1 - Killing With A Borrowed Knife
Chapter 257.2 - Killing With A Borrowed Knife
Chapter 258.1 - Huge Encounter
Chapter 258.2 - Huge Encounter
Chapter 259.1 - Karma Ties
Chapter 259.2 - Karma Ties
Chapter 260.1 - Close-Up View Of The Ascension Ceremony
Chapter 260.2 - Close-Up View Of The Ascension Ceremony
Chapter 261.1 - Returning To Pure Yang Palace
Chapter 261.2
Chapter 262.1 - Rewards
Chapter 262.2 - Rewards
Chapter 263.1 - The Beauty Of Love
Chapter 263.2 - The Beauty Of Love
Chapter 264.1 - Advancing In Cultivation
Chapter 264.2 - Advancing In Cultivation
Chapter 265.1 - Immortal’S Cave Of Pure Yang Palace
Chapter 265.2 - Immortal’S Cave Of Pure Yang Palace
Chapter 266.1 - Secluded Cultivation
Chapter 266.2 - Secluded Cultivation
Chapter 267.1 - Spiritual Awareness Separation
Chapter 267.2 - Spiritual Awareness Separation
Chapter 268.1 - Yin-Yang Heaven Burning Fire Prototype
Chapter 268.2 - Yin-Yang Heaven Burning Fire Prototype
Chapter 269.1 - First Wood Flying Sword’S Sword Embryo
Chapter 269.2 - First Wood Flying Sword’S Sword Embryo
Chapter 270.1 - Eventually Face It Again
Chapter 270.2 - Eventually Face It Again
Chapter 271.1 - Double Cultivation With Gong Sunling
Chapter 271.2 - Double Cultivation With Gong Sunling
Chapter 272.1 - Extreme Power
Chapter 272.2 - Extreme Power
Chapter 273.1 - Condensing Dan
Chapter 273.2 - Condensing Dan
Chapter 274.1 - Two Revolutions Ask Inner Heart Pill
Chapter 275.1 - Future Plans
Chapter 275.2 - Future Plans
Chapter 276 - Going Out
Chapter 277 - Highly Confident
Chapter 278 - Greatest Heaven Sect’S Plan
Chapter 279 - Destruction Without Lifting A Finger
Chapter 280 - Blowing Up The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 281 - Final Consciousness Clone
Chapter 282.1
Chapter 282.2
Chapter 283.1 - Drinking In Celebration
Chapter 283.2 - Drinking In Celebration
Chapter 284.1
Chapter 284.2
Chapter 285.1 - The Future Talents In Memory
Chapter 285.2 - The Future Talents In Memory
Chapter 286.1
Chapter 286.2
Chapter 287.1 - Ensemble Organized Without Problems
Chapter 287.2 - Ensemble Organized Without Problems
Chapter 288.1 - We Must Consider Carefully
Chapter 288.2 - We Must Consider Carefully
Chapter 289.1 - Seeing Is Believing
Chapter 289.2 - Seeing Is Believing
Chapter 290.1 - Compensation For Destruction
Chapter 290.2 - Compensation For Destruction
Chapter 291.1 - What Are These Magic Weapons?
Chapter 291.2 - What Are These Magic Weapons?
Chapter 292.1
Chapter 292.2
Chapter 293.1
Chapter 293.2
Chapter 294.1
Chapter 294.2 - The World Of Monster Cultivation
Chapter 295.1 - Who Dares?
Chapter 295.2 - Who Dares?
Chapter 296.1 - Hang Out With Me
Chapter 296.2 - Hang Out With Me
Chapter 297.1 - Purchasing Cultivation Techniques
Chapter 297.2
Chapter 298.1 - Looking For Odd Places
Chapter 298.2 - Looking For Odd Places
Chapter 299.1 - Reason Of Deception
Chapter 299.2 - Reason Of Deception
Chapter 300.1 - Investigating The Pool
Chapter 300.2 - Investigating The Pool
Chapter 301.1 - Cultivating First Wood Essence
Chapter 301.2 - Cultivating First Wood Essence
Chapter 302.1 - The First Wood True Essence Lake
Chapter 302.2 - The First Wood True Essence Lake
Chapter 303.1 - Short Cultivation
Chapter 303.2 - Short Cultivation
Chapter 304.1 - Three Matters
Chapter 304.2 - Three Matters
Chapter 305.1 - Bountiful Harvest Again!
Chapter 305.2 - Bountiful Harvest Again!
Chapter 306.1 - Merging The Medicine Gardens
Chapter 306.2 - Merging The Medicine Gardens
Chapter 307.1 - Unexpectedly Has Workers
Chapter 307.2 - Unexpectedly Has Workers
Chapter 308.1
Chapter 308.2
Chapter 309.1 - Taking On A Disciple
Chapter 309.2 - Taking On A Disciple
Chapter 310.1 - Capturing The Apprentice
Chapter 310.2 - Capturing The Apprentice
Chapter 311.1
Chapter 311.2
Chapter 312.1 - Yonggang Mountain
Chapter 312.2 - Yonggang Mountain
Chapter 313.1 - The Greatest Heaven Sect’S New Trend
Chapter 313.2
Chapter 314.1
Chapter 314.2
Chapter 315.1 - Human Sentiment
Chapter 315.2 - Human Sentiment
Chapter 316.1 - The Human Sentiment Is Not Perfect
Chapter 316.2 - The Human Sentiment Is Not Perfect
Chapter 317.1 - Sun Qingxue’S Golden Dan
Chapter 317.2 - Sun Qingxue’S Golden Dan
Chapter 318.1 - Conversing With The Snow Fairy
Chapter 318.2 - Conversing With The Snow Fairy
Chapter 319.1 - Shock
Chapter 319.2 - Shock
Chapter 320.1
Chapter 320.2 - Current Situation
Chapter 321.1 - Commitments
Chapter 321.2 - Commitments
Chapter 322.1 - Powerful Medicinal Pill
Chapter 322.2 - Powerful Medicinal Pill
Chapter 323.1 - Tribulations
Chapter 323.2
Chapter 324.1
Chapter 324.2 - Crossing Tribulation
Chapter 325.1 - Confidence
Chapter 325.2 - Confidence
Chapter 326.1 - Monopolising
Chapter 326.2 - Monopolising
Chapter 327.1 - The Sect’S Support
Chapter 327.2 - The Sect’S Support
Chapter 328.1 - Being Of One Mind
Chapter 328.2 - Being Of One Mind
Chapter 329.1 - Agreement
Chapter 329.2 - Agreement
Chapter 330.1: I Must Consider - I Must Consider
Chapter 330.2 - I Must Consider
Chapter 331.1 - The Greatest Heaven Sect’S New Trend
Chapter 331.2 - The Greatest Heaven Sect’S New Trend
Chapter 332.1 - He Came To Our Sect
Chapter 332.2 - He Came To Our Sect
Chapter 333.1 - Envy
Chapter 333.2 - Envy
Chapter 334.1
Chapter 334.2
Chapter 335.1
Chapter 335.2
Chapter 336.1 - Series Of Incidents
Chapter 336.2
Chapter 337.1 - Breaking Through The Enemy Lines
Chapter 337.2 - Breaking Through The Enemy Lines
Chapter 338.1 - Only He Knew
Chapter 338.2 - Only He Knew
Chapter 339.1 - Pressure
Chapter 339.2 - Pressure
Chapter 340.1 - Precious Materials
Chapter 340.2 - Precious Materials
Chapter 341
Chapter 342.1 - You Thought Too Highly Of Yourself
Chapter 342.2 - You Thought Too Highly Of Yourself
Chapter 343.1 - Green Jade Immortal Island’S Condition
Chapter 343.2 - Green Jade Immortal Island’S Condition
Chapter 344.1 - Clues
Chapter 344.2 - Clues
Chapter 345.1 - Li Junyu’S Pursuit
Chapter 345.2 - Li Junyu’S Pursuit
Chapter 346
Chapter 347.1 - You’Re Still Alive
Chapter 347.2 - You’Re Still Alive
Chapter 348.1 - Senior Apprentice Sister’S Magic Weapon
Chapter 348.2 - Senior Apprentice Sister’S Magic Weapon
Chapter 349.1 - Gao Yue’S Weapon
Chapter 349.2 - Gao Yue’S Weapon
Chapter 350.1 - Sect’S Expansion
Chapter 350.2 - Sect’S Expansion
Chapter 351 - Elders Decision
Chapter 352.1 - Gongsun Ling’S Food
Chapter 352.2 - Gongsun Ling’S Food
Chapter 353.1 - Demonic Sect’S Domain
Chapter 353.2 - Demonic Sect’S Domain
Chapter 354
Chapter 355.1
Chapter 355.2
Chapter 356.1 - Pretending To Be Yang Chen’S Concubine
Chapter 356.2 - Pretending To Be Yang Chen’S Concubine
Chapter 357.1
Chapter 357.2
Chapter 358.1 - Treasure
Chapter 358.2 - Treasure
Chapter 359.1 - Who Strives For Whom
Chapter 359.2 - Who Strives For Whom
Chapter 360.1 - Is Jealously Also Part Of Cultivation
Chapter 360.2 - Is Jealously Also Part Of Cultivation
Chapter 361.1
Chapter 361.2
Chapter 362.1 - Madam Fanghua’S Performance
Chapter 362.2 - Madam Fanghua’S Performance
Chapter 363.1
Chapter 363.2 - Favour
Chapter 364.1 - A Whole
Chapter 364.2 - A Whole
Chapter 365.1 - Don’T Use Spiritual Awareness
Chapter 365.2 - Don’T Use Spiritual Awareness
Chapter 366.1
Chapter 366.2 - Seventh Metal Golden Dan
Chapter 367.1 - Magic Weapon Upgrade
Chapter 367.2 - Magic Weapon Upgrade
Chapter 368.1 - Demons Slaughtering Gods Formation
Chapter 368.2 - Demons Slaughtering Gods Formation
Chapter 369.1 - Escaping Together
Chapter 369.2 - Escaping Together
Chapter 370.1 - Sect Conditioning
Chapter 370.2 - Sect Conditioning
Chapter 371.1 - Cooperation
Chapter 371.2 - Cooperation
Chapter 372.1 - Incomparable Existence
Chapter 372.2 - Incomparable Existence
Chapter 373.1 - Guarantee
Chapter 373.2 - Guarantee
Chapter 374.1 - Top Secret News
Chapter 374.2 - Top Secret News
Chapter 375.1 - One Arrow Several Vultures
Chapter 375.2 - One Arrow Several Vultures
Chapter 376.1 - The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Loses
Chapter 376.2 - The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Loses
Chapter 377.1 - Satisfaction
Chapter 377.2 - Satisfaction
Chapter 378.1
Chapter 378.2
Chapter 379.1 - Skill
Chapter 379.2 - Skill
Chapter 380.1
Chapter 380.2
Chapter 381.1 - Questioning Inner Heart Pills Coursing A Stir Again
Chapter 381.2 - Questioning Inner Heart Pills Coursing A Stir Again
Chapter 382.1 - Coursing A Stir
Chapter 382.2 - Coursing A Stir
Chapter 383.1 - Blockage
Chapter 383.2 - Blockage
Chapter 384.1 - Puppet
Chapter 384.2 - Puppet
Chapter 385.1 - Failure Is Also An Experience
Chapter 385.2 - Failure Is Also An Experience
Chapter 386.1 - Reality Is More Exaggerated Than Imagination
Chapter 386.2 - Reality Is More Exaggerated Than Imagination
Chapter 387.1 - : A Toad Wanting To Eat Swan Meat
Chapter 387.2 - A Toad Wanting To Eat Swan Meat
Chapter 388.1 - Advantage
Chapter 388.2 - Advantage
Chapter 389.1
Chapter 389.2
Chapter 390.1 - Fifth Grade Medicinal Pill
Chapter 390.2 - Fifth Grade Medicinal Pill
Chapter 391.1 - Ten Challenges
Chapter 391.2 - Ten Challenges
Chapter 392.1 - Subduing Shi Shanshan
Chapter 392.2: Subduing Shi Shanshan
Chapter 393.1:
Chapter 393.2:
Chapter 394.1
Chapter 394.2
Chapter 395.1: Recovery
Chapter 395.2: Recovery
Chapter 396.1: Heaven Defying News
Chapter 396.2: Heaven Defying News
Chapter 397.1: Trouble
Chapter 397.2: Trouble
Chapter 398.1: Ask Him What To Do
Chapter 398.2: Ask Him What To Do
Chapter 399.1:
Chapter 399.2
Chapter 400.1: Immortal’S Cave
Chapter 400.2: Immortal’S Cave
Chapter 401.1: Unexpected Precious Materials
Chapter 401.2: Unexpected Precious Materials
Chapter 402.1: Miserable Yang Li
Chapter 402.2: Miserable Yang Li
Chapter 403.1: The Consideration Of The Wine Immortal
Chapter 403.2: The Consideration Of The Wine Immortal
Chapter 404.1: Fine Deeds
Chapter 404.2: Fine Deeds
Chapter 405.1: Secluded Cultivation
Chapter 405.2: Secluded Cultivation
Chapter 406.1: Killing People To Pick A Quarrel
Chapter 406.2: Killing People To Pick A Quarrel
Chapter 407.1: Killing
Chapter 407.2: Killing
Chapter 408.1: This Is Poison Not Sickness
Chapter 408.2: This Is Poison Not Sickness
Chapter 409.1: Hidden Dragon Cave
Chapter 409.2: Hidden Dragon Cave
Chapter 410.1: We Are Not Here To Be Reasonable
Chapter 410.2: We Are Not Here To Be Reasonable
Chapter 411.1: Stay Behind
Chapter 411.2: Stay Behind
Chapter 412.1: You Forced Me
Chapter 412.2: You Forced Me
Chapter 413.1: Emotions
Chapter 413.2: Emotions
Chapter 414.1: Long Term Cooperation
Chapter 414.2: Long Term Cooperation
Chapter 415.1: Vigorous Ape King Body Refining Technique
Chapter 415.2: Vigorous Ape King Body Refining Technique
Chapter 416.1: Sea Of No Return
Chapter 416.2: Sea Of No Return
Chapter 417.1: Disruption
Chapter 417.2: Disruption
Chapter 418.1: Tenth Water Flying Sword Raw Material
Chapter 418.2: Tenth Water Flying Sword Raw Material
Chapter 419.1: Dragon Tomb
Chapter 419.2: Dragon Tomb
Chapter 420.1: Breakthrough
Chapter 420.2: Breakthrough
Chapter 421.1: Entrapmen
Chapter 421.2: Entrapmen
Chapter 422.1
Chapter 422.2
Chapter 423.1: Gongsun Ling’S Benefits
Chapter 423.2: Gongsun Ling’S Benefits
Chapter 424.1: River Turning Strength
Chapter 424.2: River Turning Strength
Chapter 425.1: The Greatest Heaven Sect Again
Chapter 425.2: The Greatest Heaven Sect Again
Chapter 426.1: Dragon Clan’S Magic Weapon
Chapter 426.2: Dragon Clan’S Magic Weapon
Chapter 427.1: Double Cultivation With Shi Shanshan
Chapter 427.2: Double Cultivation With Shi Shanshan
Chapter 428.1: Surprise
Chapter 428.2: Surprise
Chapter 429.1: Bai
Chapter 429.2: Bai
Chapter 430.1:
Chapter 430.2:
Chapter 431.1:
Chapter 431.2
Chapter 432.1: Suppor
Chapter 432.2: Suppor
Chapter 433.1: Family Seclusion
Chapter 433.2: Family Seclusion
Chapter 434.1: Protecting A Foe
Chapter 434.2: Protecting A Foe
Chapter 435.1: The Banyan Tree Immortal’S Cave Scheme
Chapter 435.2: The Banyan Tree Immortal’S Cave Scheme
Chapter 436.1: Lure
Chapter 436.2: Lure
Chapter 437.1: The Tragedy Of The City Lord
Chapter 437.2: The Tragedy Of The City Lord
Chapter 438.1: The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Dilemma
Chapter 438.2: The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Dilemma
Chapter 439.1: The Strength Of The Sect Soars
Chapter 439.2: The Strength Of The Sect Soars
Chapter 440.1: Suspicious Trade
Chapter 440.2: Suspicious Trade
Chapter 441.1: The Flood Dragon Skeleton Flying Sword
Chapter 441.2: The Flood Dragon Skeleton Flying Sword
Chapter 442.1: Now The Price Has Changed
Chapter 442.2: Now The Price Has Changed
Chapter 443.1: Spirit Congealing Pill Formula
Chapter 443.2: Spirit Congealing Pill Formula
Chapter 444.1: Obtaining A Seventh Grade Fire Seed
Chapter 444.2: Obtaining A Seventh Grade Fire Seed
Chapter 445.1: Purification Of The Mountain River Geographical Map
Chapter 445.2: Purification Of The Mountain River Geographical Map
Chapter 446.1
Chapter 446.2
Chapter 447.1
Chapter 447.2
Chapter 448.1: Dealing With Yang Chen’S Fiancees
Chapter 448.2: Dealing With Yang Chen’S Fiancees
Chapter 449.1: Messenger Delivering A Letter
Chapter 449.2: Messenger Delivering A Letter
Chapter 450.1: Rescue
Chapter 450.2: Rescue
Chapter 451.1: Opportunity
Chapter 451.2: Opportunity
Chapter 452.1: The Fate Of A Dacheng Stage Master
Chapter 452.2: The Fate Of A Dacheng Stage Master
Chapter 453.1: Appearance Is More Important Than Cultivation Base
Chapter 453.2: Appearance Is More Important Than Cultivation Base
Chapter 454.1: The Anger Of The Two Sects
Chapter 454.2: The Anger Of The Two Sects
Chapter 455.1: The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Plan
Chapter 455.2: The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Plan
Chapter 456.1: Trouble Brewing
Chapter 456.2: Trouble Brewing
Chapter 457.1: Face Retaining Pills
Chapter 457.2: Face Retaining Pills
Chapter 458.1: Effect Of The Face Retaining Pills
Chapter 458.2: Effect Of The Face Retaining Pills
Chapter 459.1
Chapter 459.2
Chapter 460.1 - Creating An Alibi
Chapter 460.2 - Creating An Alibi
Chapter 461.1 - Withdrawal
Chapter 461.2 - Withdrawal
Chapter 462.1 - Not Relatable
Chapter 462.2 - Not Relatable
Chapter 463.1 - Consequences Of Their Actions
Chapter 463.2 - Consequences Of Their Actions
Chapter 464.1 - I Don’T Have A Free Time
Chapter 464.2 - I Don’T Have A Free Time
Chapter 465.1 - Gathering
Chapter 465.2 - Gathering
Chapter 466.1 - Marriage Ceremony
Chapter 466.2 - Marriage Ceremony
Chapter 467.1 - Husband And Wives Seclusion
Chapter 467.2 - Husband And Wives Seclusion
Chapter 468.1 - The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Predicament
Chapter 468.2 - The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Predicament
Chapter 469.1 - Family Seclusion
Chapter 469.2 - Family Seclusion
Chapter 470.1 - Unprecedented Thunder Tribulation
Chapter 470.2 - Unprecedented Thunder Tribulation
Chapter 471.1 - Thunder Tribulation Benefits
Chapter 471.2 - : Thunder Tribulation Benefits
Chapter 472.1: Delayed Wedding Festivities
Chapter 472.2: Delayed Wedding Festivities
Chapter 473.1 - Return
Chapter 473.2 - Return
Chapter 474.1 - Last Bamboo Pole
Chapter 474.2 - Last Bamboo Pole
Chapter 475.1 - Reward
Chapter 475.2 - Reward
Chapter 476.1 - Yang Xi’S Opportunity
Chapter 476.2 - Yang Xi’S Opportunity
Chapter 477.1 - Your Name Is Hua Mengyou
Chapter 477.2 - Your Name Is Hua Mengyou
Chapter 478.1 - Blocking The Way To
Chapter 478.2 - Blocking The Way To Buying Pills
Chapter 479.1 - Counter-Attack Of Yang Xi
Chapter 479.2 - Counter-Attack Of Yang Xi
Chapter 480.1 - Trade
Chapter 480.2 - Trade
Chapter 481.1 - The Young Sect Master’S Punishment
Chapter 481.2 - The Young Sect Master’S Punishment
Chapter 482.1 - Solving One Own Problem
Chapter 482.2 - Solving One Own Problem
Chapter 483.1 - Formation Cultivation
Chapter 483.2 - Formation Cultivation
Chapter 484.1 - Secret Plane
Chapter 484.2 - Secret Plane
Chapter 485.1 - Gathering The Ninth Water True Essence
Chapter 485.2 - Athering The Ninth Water True Essence
Chapter 486.1 - Mystical Box
Chapter 486.2 - Mystical Box
Chapter 487.1 - Understanding
Chapter 487.2 - Understanding
Chapter 488.1 - Pressuring The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 488.2 - Pressuring The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 489.1 - The Green Jade Immortal Island Also Has An Unfillal Disciple
Chapter 489.2 - The Green Jade Immortal Island Also Has An Unfillal Disciple
Chapter 490.1 - : The Dumb Aunt’S Strength
Chapter 490.2 - The Dumb Aunt’S Strength
Chapter 491.1 - Changes Of Shi Shanshan
Chapter 491.2 - Changes Of Shi Shanshan
Chapter 492.1 - Ya Gupo’S Recovery
Chapter 492.2 - Ya Gupo’S Recovery
Chapter 493.1
Chapter 493.2
Chapter 494.1 - Return
Chapter 494.2 - Return
Chapter 495.1 - Trade
Chapter 495.2 - Trade
Chapter 496.1 - The Inferred Truth
Chapter 496.2 - The Inferred Truth
Chapter 497.1 - Cultivating On The Way
Chapter 497.2 - Cultivating On The Way
Chapter 498.1 - Kill Him
Chapter 498.2 - Kill Him
Chapter 499.1 - Here Is Not A Playground
Chapter 499.2 - Here Is Not A Playground
Chapter 500.1 - You Dare Deceive Me
Chapter 500.2 - You Dare Deceive Me
Chapter 501.1 - Everybody
Chapter 501.2 - Everybody
Chapter 502.1 - The Secret Of The Demonic Qi
Chapter 502.2 - The Secret Of The Demonic Qi
Chapter 503.1 - Dao Heart
Chapter 503.2 - Dao Heart
Chapter 504.1 - Exceeding Grade
Chapter 504.2 - Exceeding Grade
Chapter 505.1: Price Tag
Chapter 505.2: Price Tag
Chapter 506.1: Powerful Demonic Qi Refiner
Chapter 506.2: Powerful Demonic Qi Refiner
Chapter 507.1: The Miracle Of The Auction House
Chapter 507.2: The Miracle Of The Auction House
Chapter 508.1: Meeting
Chapter 508.2: Meeting
Chapter 509.1 - Materials As Reward
Chapter 509.2: Materials As Reward
Chapter 510.1 - I Won’T Pursue It Anymore
Chapter 510.2 - I Won’T Pursue It Anymore
Chapter 511.1 - Alternative Attack Methods
Chapter 511.2 - Alternative Attack Methods
Chapter 512.1 - The Unexcited Ancestor
Chapter 512.2 - The Unexcited Ancestor
Chapter 513.1
Chapter 513.2
Chapter 514.1 - Demon Heart Magic Weapon
Chapter 514.2 - Demon Heart Magic Weapon
Chapter 515.1 - Strength Is The Rule
Chapter 515.2 - Strength Is The Rule
Chapter 516.1 - Demonic Qi Cannot Be Abused
Chapter 516.2 - Demonic Qi Cannot Be Abused
Chapter 517.1: Control
Chapter 517.2: Control
Chapter 518.1: Demonic Qi Cultivation
Chapter 518.2: Demonic Qi Cultivation
Chapter 519.1: Venting And Killing
Chapter 519.2: Venting And Killing
Chapter 520.1 - Invitation
Chapter 520.2 - Invitation
Chapter 521.1 - Deposit
Chapter 521.2 - Deposit
Chapter 522.1
Chapter 522.2
Chapter 523.1 - Dao Heart
Chapter 523.2 - Dao Heart
Chapter 524.1 - Li Cheng’S Pointers
Chapter 524.2 - Li Cheng’S Pointers
Chapter 525.1 - Absorbing The Karmic Fire Seeds
Chapter 525.2 - Absorbing The Karmic Fire Seeds
Chapter 526.1 - Nothing Works Without Payment
Chapter 526.2 - Nothing Works Without Payment
Chapter 527.1: Benefits
Chapter 527.2: Benefits
Chapter 528.1: Temperance
Chapter 528.2: Temperance
Chapter 529.1: Changes In The Nine Nether Flying Sword
Chapter 529.2: Changes In The Nine Nether Flying Sword
Chapter 530.1: The Portal Finally Opens
Chapter 530.2: The Portal Finally Opens
Chapter 531.1: Theft
Chapter 531.2: Theft
Chapter 532.1: The Origin Of The Heart Demon Sect
Chapter 532.2: The Origin Of The Heart Demon Sect
Chapter 533.1: Dream
Chapter 533.2: Dream
Chapter 534.1: Battle
Chapter 534.2: Battle
Chapter 535.1: Everyone Has An Advantage
Chapter 535.2: Everyone Has An Advantage
Chapter 536.1: After Thought
Chapter 536.2: After Thought
Chapter 537.1: Search
Chapter 537.2: Search
Chapter 538.1: Collecting The True Essence Spiritual Solution
Chapter 538.2: Collecting The True Essence Spiritual Solution
Chapter 539.1: Final Outcome
Chapter 539.2: Final Outcome
Chapter 540.1: Extreme Cultivation
Chapter 540.2: Extreme Cultivation
Chapter 541.1: True Essence Spirit Power Cultivation
Chapter 541.2: True Essence Spirit Power Cultivation
Chapter 542.1: Everlasting Universe Origin Suppression Great Formation
Chapter 542.2: Everlasting Universe Origin Suppression Great Formation
Chapter 543.1 - Luck
Chapter 543.2 - Luck
Chapter 544.1 - Ultimate Objective
Chapter 544.2 - Ultimate Objective
Chapter 545.1 - Different Demon Vine
Chapter 545.2 - Different Demon Vine
Chapter 546.1 - The Birth Of The Immortal Slaying Sword
Chapter 546.2 - The Birth Of The Immortal Slaying Sword
Chapter 547.1 - Dangers In The Core Region
Chapter 547.2 - Dangers In The Core Region
Chapter 548.1 - Treat Of Death
Chapter 548.2 - Treat Of Death
Chapter 549.1: Joy After Sorrow
Chapter 549.2: Joy After Sorrow
Chapter 550.1: Fortune
Chapter 550.2: Fortune
Chapter 551.1: Departure
Chapter 551.2: Departure
Chapter 552.1: Vicious Poison
Chapter 552.2: Vicious Poison
Chapter 553.1: Deadly Treats
Chapter 553.2: Deadly Treats
Chapter 554.1: Provocation
Chapter 554.2: Provocation
Chapter 555.1: Losing Face
Chapter 555.2: Losing Face
Chapter 556.1: Small Attack
Chapter 556.2: Small Attack
Chapter 557.1: Extreme Counter Attack
Chapter 557.2: Extreme Counter Attack
Chapter 558.1: What Punishment
Chapter 558.2
Chapter 559.1
Chapter 559.2
Chapter 560.1
Chapter 560.2
Chapter 561.1
Chapter 561.2
Chapter 562.1
Chapter 562.2
Chapter 563.1
Chapter 563.2
Chapter 564.1
Chapter 564.2
Chapter 565.1
Chapter 565.2
Chapter 566.1 - Awakening In The Grave
Chapter 566.2
Chapter 567.1
Chapter 567.2
Chapter 568.1
Chapter 568.2
Chapter 569.1
Chapter 569.2
Chapter 570.1
Chapter 570.2
Chapter 571.1
Chapter 571.2
Chapter 572.1
Chapter 572.2
Chapter 573.1 - Terrifying Cultivation Base Increase
Chapter 573.2 - Terrifying Cultivation Base Increase
Chapter 574.1 - Helping Or Harming
Chapter 574.2 - Helping Or Harming
Chapter 575.1 - Advantage Of Knowing Someone
Chapter 575.2 - Advantage Of Knowing Someone
Chapter 576.1 - The Grandmaster Likes Beautiful Women
Chapter 576.2 - The Grandmaster Likes Beautiful Women
Chapter 577.1 - The Three Great Sects
Chapter 577.2 - The Three Great Sects
Chapter 578.1 - Marriage Proposal
Chapter 578.2 - Marriage Proposal
Chapter 579.1 - Love Is An Eternal Topic
Chapter 579.2 - Love Is An Eternal Topic
Chapter 580.1 - Guiding New Disciples
Chapter 580.2 - Guiding New Disciples
Chapter 581.1 - Postnatal Spiritual Root
Chapter 581.2 - Postnatal Spiritual Root
Chapter 582.1 - Precious Materials In The Secret Palace
Chapter 582.2 - Precious Materials In The Secret Palace
Chapter 583.1 - Sleep With Her
Chapter 583.2 - Sleep With Her
Chapter 584.1 - Bitting The Bullet
Chapter 584.2 - Bitting The Bullet
Chapter 585.1 - You Will Get What You Want
Chapter 585.2 - You Will Get What You Want
Chapter 586.1 - Subduing Ms Fanghua
Chapter 586.2 - Subduing Ms Fanghua
Chapter 587.1 - Slave Servant
Chapter 587.2 - Slave Servant
Chapter 588.1 - Do It With Your Heart
Chapter 588.2: Do It With Your Heart
Chapter 589.1: Murderous Intentions
Chapter 589.2: Murderous Intentions
Chapter 590.1: Alternative Technique
Chapter 590.2: Alternative Technique
Chapter 591.1: The Demon Sect Also Have Experts
Chapter 591.2: The Demon Sect Also Have Experts
Chapter 592.1: Ambition To Kill
Chapter 592.2: Ambition To Kill
Chapter 593.1: You Won’T Have Another Chance
Chapter 593.2: You Won’T Have Another Chance
Chapter 594.1: There Is Hope For The Living
Chapter 594.2: There Is Hope For The Living
Chapter 595.1: Self Cultivation
Chapter 595.2: Self Cultivation
Chapter 596.1: Shi Shanshan Misfortune
Chapter 596.2: Shi Shanshan Misfortune
Chapter 597.1: Seven Emotions And Six Desire Pills
Chapter 597.2: Seven Emotions And Six Desire Pills
Chapter 598.1: I Can’T Afford To Hurt You
Chapter 598.2: I Can’T Afford To Hurt You
Chapter 599.1: The Green Jade Immortal Island Is Not Rich
Chapter 599.2: The Green Jade Immortal Island Is Not Rich
Chapter 600: Be Sincere
Chapter 601: Be Sincere
Chapter 602: A Local Bully
Chapter 603: A Local Bully Is Easy To Handle
Chapter 604: Supreme Pure Yang Sword Qi
Chapter 605: Return To The Dragon Palace
Chapter 606: Intense Pain
Chapter 607: Yang Chen’S Multiple Tasks
Chapter 608: Controlling The Sword Qi
Chapter 609: I Am Just Too Lazy To Think
Chapter 610: Sword Qi Outburst
Chapter 611: Return
Chapter 612: Negotiations
Chapter 613: Another Transaction
Chapter 614: Attack On The Pure Yang Palace
Chapter 615: Extreme Wealth
Chapter 616: The Distraction Of The Pure Yang Palace
Chapter 617: Reality And Illusion
Chapter 618: It’S More Fun To Watch
Chapter 619: Dire Situation
Chapter 620: Gifts
Chapter 621: Slaves Or Maids
Chapter 622: Evasion
Chapter 623: Return From Seclusion
Chapter 624: Life Essence Herbs
Chapter 62: The Prestige Of The Wife
Chapter 626: Folktales
Chapter 627: Taste
Chapter 628: Cutting The Peach Tree
Chapter 629: Cutting The Peach Tree To Breakthrough
Chapter 630: Immortal Peach
Chapter 631: The Real Immortal Peach
Chapter 632: Revealing The Secrets Of The Fifth Grade Alchemist
Chapter 633: Gathering
Chapter 634: Beginning
Chapter 635: Millions Of Medicinal Dregs
Chapter 636: Basic Skills
Chapter 637: Controlling Fire
Chapter 638: Eventual Breakthrough
Chapter 639: The Last Key Point
Chapter 640: Precious Gifts
Chapter 641: Bathing Water
Chapter 642: The Sincerity Of The Three Sects
Chapter 643: Concubines
Chapter 644: Successive Tribulations
Chapter 645: The Rich And Powerful
Chapter 646: Marriage Night
Chapter 647: Wealth And Power
Chapter 648: Pleasure Release
Chapter 649: Charm Of The Dragon Palace
Chapter 650: Life Source Magic Weapon Modification
Chapter 651: Refining The Ninth Water Flying Sword Is Possible
Chapter 652: Ninth Grade Human Immortal Realm
Chapter 653: Meeting Gifts
Chapter 654: Knowing Everything
Chapter 655: Langya Well
Chapter 656: Ninth Grade Pills
Chapter 657: Cultivating Merit
Chapter 658: Zhao Clan
Chapter 659: Showing Courtesy
Chapter 660: What Do You Want
Chapter 661: Offer
Chapter 662: Really Good Tricks
Chapter 663: You Can Stay As Long As You Want
Chapter 664: Opportunity
Chapter 665: Overwhelming Pressure
Chapter 666: Good Deal
Chapter 667: Borrowing Experts For Alchemy
Chapter 668: Coming In Contact With The Mysterious Tortoise
Chapter 669: Prove It
Chapter 670: Luring
Chapter 671: Refining
Chapter 672: Testing
Chapter 673: Changes
Chapter 674: Give Me A Reason
Chapter 675: Give Me The Pills
Chapter 676: Kill Your Concubines
Chapter 677: Send Grandmaster Yang On His Way
Chapter 678: I Will Fulfill Your Wishes
Chapter 679: Sit And Watch The Show
Chapter 680: Trade
Chapter 681: Disappeared In An Instant
Chapter 682: Arrival
Chapter 683: Disciple Can Help
Chapter 684: Precious Materials
Chapter 685: Future Plans
Chapter 686: Precious Materials
Chapter 687: Let’S Try It Again
Chapter 688: Don’T Sell To The Demon Sects
Chapter 689: Trading
Chapter 690: Master I Want It
Chapter 691: If Direct Buying Doesn’T Work, Get An Agent
Chapter 692: More Transactions
Chapter 693: Who Bought It
Chapter 694: Big Loss
Chapter 695: Subtle
Chapter 696: Storm
Chapter 697: Waves
Chapter 698: Tenth Water Flying Sword
Chapter 699: Leaders
Chapter 700: Academic Leaders
Chapter 701: Preparations
Chapter 702: Eight Metal Materials
Chapter 703: Sixth Grade Fire Seeds
Chapter 704: Great Yin Yang Five Elements Flying Sword Completion
Chapter 705: Completed Immortal Beheading Blade
Chapter 706: Preparation Before Departure
Chapter 707: Awaking Shi Shanshan
Chapter 708: Sword Qi
Chapter 709: Gathering At The Langya Well
Chapter 710: Opening Of The Langya Well
Chapter 710: Attack
Chapter 712: Shi Shanshan’S Strength
Chapter 713: Vicious Killings
Chapter 714: Chat Before Killing
Chapter 715: Langya Crystal Ship
Chapter 716: Looking For Something
Chapter 717: Boarding The Ship
Chapter 718: Paying To Board The Ship
Chapter 719: Collecting The Weak Water
Chapter 720: Erosion Spirit Dragon Fire Seed
Chapter 721: Dragon Spirit
Chapter 722: Find Me A Body
Chapter 723: No Need To Think About Seizing My Body
Chapter 724: Profound Spirit Furnace Tool Spirit
Chapter 725: Dragon Scales
Chapter 726: Asking For Directions
Chapter 727: The Langya Cave
Chapter 728: Opening The Door
Chapter 729: Patriarch Hall
Chapter 730: Danger
Chapter 731: Second Danger Zone
Chapter 732: Dragon Scales
Chapter 733: Critical Situation
Chapter 734: Refining The Dragon Scales
Chapter 735: Tribulation Of The Profound Spirit Furnace
Chapter 736: Tribulations Completed
Chapter 737: Your Husband Craftsmanship Is Good
Chapter 738: Entering The Medicinal Garden
Chapter 739: Not In Vain
Chapter 740: Pure Yin True Fire
Chapter 741: Too Much Is Trouble
Chapter 742: Refining
Chapter 743: Third Grade Inner Sensing Pills
Chapter 744: Fifth Grade Inner Sensing Pills
Chapter 745: Improved Inner Sensing Pills
Chapter 746: Even The Pot
Chapter 747: Entering The Palace
Chapter 748: Yellow Springs Jade
Chapter 749: New Natal Magic Weapon
Chapter 750: Outside News
Chapter 751: Proud Li Liheng
Chapter 752: Cultivation
Chapter 753: Breakthroughs
Chapter 754: Univited Guests
Chapter 755: Thank You For Coming To My Door
Chapter 756: The Prudent Grand Elder
Chapter 757: Expectations
Chapter 758: Death Of The Grand Elder
Chapter 759: A Good Show
Chapter 760: Tao Junqi’S Suspicion
Chapter 761: Tao Junqi’S Decision
Chapter 762: Extraordinary Yin Fire Tribulation
Chapter 763: Tao Junqi’S Ascension
Chapter 764: Li Liheng’S Dumbness
Chapter 765: Li Liheng’S Dumbness Part 2
Chapter 766: Reveal
Chapter 767: Yang Xi’S Plots
Chapter 768: Yang Chen’S Yin Fire Tribulation
Chapter 769: Dacheng Stage
Chapter 770: Seamless Enjoyment
Chapter 771: Going Out
Chapter 772: Gift
Chapter 773: Going To The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 774: Meeting Yang Xi
Chapter 775: Reminder To Yang Xi
Chapter 776: Beginning Of The End
Chapter 777: Discovery
Chapter 778: Big Event In The Green Jade Immortal Island
Chapter 779: Treatments
Chapter 780: Getting The Names
Chapter 781: Invitations
Chapter 782: Results
Chapter 783: Arrangements Against The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 784: Exposed Plans
Chapter 785: Reasons For Dealing With The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 786: Demon Sealing Formation Layouts
Chapter 787: Plotting Against The Demon Sealing Formation
Chapter 788: Have Confidence In Your Husband
Chapter 789: Arriving At The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 790: The Perfect Plan
Chapter 791: Begging For A Favour
Chapter 792: Arriving At Li Liheng’S Palace
Chapter 793: Li Liheng’S Situation
Chapter 794: Asking For Help
Chapter 795: Critical Moment
Chapter 796: Indecision
Chapter 797: Activation Of The Formation
Chapter 798: Gathering Spiritual Power
Chapter 799: Gathering At The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 800: Kill The Strongest First
Chapter 801: Breaking The Demon Sealing Formation
Chapter 802: There Is Someone Responsible For Every Grievance, For Every Debt There Is A Debtor
Chapter 803: Killing All The Grand Elders
Chapter 804: Leaving Nobody Behind
Chapter 805: They Are All Dead
Chapter 806: The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Reserve Secret Plane
Chapter 807: The Greatest Heaven Sect’S Wealth
Chapter 808: The Anxious Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 809: Are You Deaf And Blind
Chapter 810: It’S Worthless
Chapter 811: Who Else Cultivates The Free Demon Heart Sutra
Chapter 812: Conditions
Chapter 813: Beginning Of The Attack Against The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 814: Calculations
Chapter 815: Heavenly Tribulation Retreats The Enemy
Chapter 816: Dazzling Attacks
Chapter 817: Methods To Counter The Heavenly Tribulation
Chapter 818: Sealing The Formation
Chapter 819: Danger Of The Demon Sealing Formation
Chapter 820: Upgraded Magic Weapon
Chapter 821: Yang Xi Takes Action
Chapter 822: The Fall Of The Tribulations
Chapter 823: The Destruction Of The Greatest Heaven Sect
Chapter 824: Complete Destruction
Chapter 825: I Have Been Waiting For You For A Long Time
Chapter 826: Meeting Grandmaster Yang
Chapter 827: Sect Master Li’S Last Resort
Chapter 828: Sect Master Li’S Death
Chapter 829: How To Deal With Tens Of Thousands Of People
Chapter 830: Cleaning The Scene
Chapter 831: Disguising The Scene With The Heavenly Tribulation
Chapter 832: Sharing The Spoils
Chapter 833: Conclusion
Chapter 834: Yi Tian
Chapter 835: Fulfilling Karma
Chapter 836: Returning To The Pure Yang Palace
Chapter 837: Materials
Categories Genre: Action, All, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Mature, Ongoing, Xianxia Status: Ongoing Tags Authors: , Alternative names: Immortal Executioner, Slaying Immortals, 斩仙,


Total Chapters in book: 1177
Estimated words: 2161058 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 10805(@200wpm)___ 8644(@250wpm)___ 7204(@300wpm)

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Alternative Titles:

Immortal Executioner, Slaying Immortals, 斩仙

Book Synopsis / Detail / Information:

Gripes have their origins and debts have their creditors. We haven’t crossed each other in days past or present, nor formed any grudges. I am but duty-bound to carry this out, so apologies in advance!

In his past life, Yang Chen was a gentle person who was oppressed for his whole life.

Now that he’s reborn, he chose to become an executioner and severs ties and grudges with his executioner’s blade, killing all that climb onto the Immortal Executioner’s Platform!

Heads will roll! Humans’ in the human realm, demons’ in the demon realm, devils’ in the devil realm and immortals’ in the immortal realm!

*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************

Chapter 1

001 – Reborn

It is said that when people face death, they will recall everything that has happened in their life, especially their mistakes, regrets, what left them the most unreconciled. Yang Chen was experiencing this right now.

The first thing to flash through his mind was, after he had been framed, desperate, wanting to explain but having no way to speak, the main perpetrator loudly hooted right in front of Yang Chen, and Yang Chen, seriously injured, had no way to resist.

“I’m the killer, I did it, and so what? Who will believe you now? You’re the murderer!” Yang Xi’s malicious smile was exceptionally clear to Yang Chen’s eyes: “I’ll tell you, I leaked the information, I invited the Greatest Heaven Sect’s young master, I killed him, I framed you, and so what?”

“You bastard!” The seriously injured Yang Chen was basically unable to confront Yang Xi head on, and could only rail at him.

“What manner of creature are you? Are you suited to have the Ten Thousand Year Vermillion Fruit? Don’t you see your reflection in a puddle of piss?” Yang Xi laughed coldly: “I accused you before the Greatest Heaven Sect, said you coveted the young master’s Vermillion Fruit, and assassinated him. The Greatest Heaven Sect rewarded me with the Vermillion Fruit, and chased you to kill you. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for not understanding the world, and not obediently handing over the Vermillion Fruit to me back then, wouldn’t everything have been fine if you did? A lowly type born from my family’s tenant farmers, how are you suited to possess the Vermillion Fruit? How do you dare refuse my requests?”


The second to appear was the scene of Yang Chen’s beautiful master, forced by the Greatest Heaven Sect master to be used as his practitioner stove, vowing to die rather than obey, committing suicide.

“Yang Chen, go, go far, far away, don’t think about avenging me in ten million years, survive, go!” The look of farewell in his beautiful master’s eyes was so clear in Yang Chen’s mind, even when facing death, Yang Chen could feel such heart rending pain.

“Master, blame me for everything! Blame me for implicating you!” Yang Chen knelt before his master, crying bitterly.

For the sake of one Vermillion Fruit, Yang Chen had been framed by Yang Xi and had now even implicated his sect. The Greatest Heaven Sect master had unexpectedly discovered that Yang Chen’s beautiful master actually had a rare postnatal full spiritual root, and had immediately decided to turn her into his practitioner stove. Four


cultivators from the Greatest Heaven Sect had surrounded the Pure Yang Palace, now leaving no road in the sky nor door into the earth through which to escape.

“Yang Chen, go!” His beautiful master’s eyes were firm, without the slightest ripple. With a Greater Blood Escape Technique, Yang Chen was sent outside the encirclement, and with his final glance at his master, he saw the scene of her detonating her



“Master!” Yang Chen’s miserable howl reached dozens of




The third scene that appeared was just after Yang Chen had ascended. Before painstakingly cultivating until he could finally ascend, Yang Chen had thought he could finally take revenge, but he hadn’t expected that, in the end, he would only be by himself, and confronting a great sect like the Greatest Heaven Sect, he was still without means, and, in the end, could only ascend. However, after ascending, he had still encountered the Greatest Heaven Sect’s sponsor in the spiritual world and immortal world.

“You ascending is still too much of a waste, I’ll let you stay as an example to others, to let them see the conclusion to offending me!” The former Greatest Heaven Sect master, now the Profound Heaven Sect vice master, sneered as he looked at Yang Chen, and placed him under a restriction.

Everyone could see Yang Chen’s miserable fate after they ascended, but the Profound Heaven Sect’s influence was great, and nobody dared object. Besides, the one suffering was Yang Chen, everyone only learned from his example. And Yang Chen suffered in this way for thousands of years.


But very soon, Yang Chen’s memories turned to his happiest scene, that moment he received his first flying sword from his beautiful master.

“Yang Chen, I’ve specially refined this Bright Light Sword for you, take it properly, and cultivate diligently!” His master’s slender jade fingers held that Bright Light Sword and handed it to Yang Chen. That instant was the happiest moment in Yang Chen’s road of cultivation.

The scene froze, and Yang Chen couldn’t help screaming miserably with the burst of heart rending, lung tearing pain in his body.


A long, miserable shriek echoed from Yang Chen’s throat, filled with strong unwillingness, scaring everyone around him to jump.

“What person dares make a racket here?” A furious shout resounded, soon followed by the lazy appearance of a human silhouette, who immediately looked at the bewildered Yang Chen in the crowd.

“Causing such a racket before the monastery gate without reason, and being so rude before even entering, there’s no need for you to participate in the spiritual root test today!” Yang Chen didn’t even have time to clearly see what the person who appeared looked like before he swung a wide sleeve, sending Yang Chen soaring uncontrollably high into the air, hands and feet swinging, flying far away.

Yang Chen fell heavily to the ground with a loud thump, unable to get up for a long time. But this pain also let Yang Chen understand that he was still alive.

He had survived old devil Yi’s Greater Demonic Body Explosion Technique? What was a little bit of pain to a pleasant surprise like that? When, ecstatic, Yang Chen was just about to circulate his profound power to heal the pain, he discovered that there was unexpectedly not a shred of magic power within him.

With great alarm, practically not daring to believe it, Yang Chen mobilized it once again, but there was still no trace of activity. Could he have lost all his magic power? In great trouble, heart racing, Yang Chen recalled the overlooked circumstances of the scene just now. Monastery gate? Spiritual root test? What was that?

Yang Chen now discovered that he was no longer at the devil punishing battlefield in the immortal world, but rather in an extremely unfamiliar place. His surroundings was verdant hills and limpid water, mist rising in spirals, seemingly a good place to cultivate.

Struggling to his feet, Yang Chen discovered that he was dressed in rough plain clothes, something bulging painfully at his waist. Touching it, he discovered a sharpened wood cutting blade.

Boom, Yang Chen’s mind exploded like a thunderclap, coming to a realization in a flash: these were the circumstances of when he participated in the Greatest Heaven Sect’s spiritual root test. Unexpectedly, when he was struck by the Greater Demonic Body Exploding Technique, he had not only not died, but even returned to his childhood.

“This is outside the Greater Heaven Sect’s gate in the mundane world!” Seeing those distant once familiar people with all kinds of expressions, Yang Chen was certain, he had been reborn. The reason those people looked both familiar and not, was because enough time had passed to forget them, a full ten thousand years.

However, however much time passed, it still wasn’t enough to eliminate Yang Chen’s hatred for the Greatest Heaven Sect. Yang Xi had entered the Greatest Heaven Sect, and later killed the Greatest Heaven Sect’s young master, but blamed it on him. And all his later suffering, everything that happened later, was all related to this sect.

Having gone from a great principal golden immortal back to a mundane mortal, Yang Chen didn’t know how to describe his feelings besides hatred. He could only be certain of one thing, no matter how he put it, he was still alive. A hundred thousand celestial troops and generals had fallen and disappeared, but at least he was still alive, and also alive at the moment he most looked forward to.

The person who punched him was very skilled at hitting ordinary people, at least Yang Chen could only stay seated, unable to stand for a very long time, as if something was tying him down. Only when the first batch of several dozen the people he had come with walked out of that decorated gate arch did Yang Chen feel his body relax, finally able to stand up.

“Really unfortunate!”

“Failed this year again, ai!”


A series of sighing voices came from the crowd. When a few of the same generation from the same village as Yang Chen saw him struggling to get up, they ran over to help.

“Right, at least we still had the chance to try. Chen’zi was out of luck today, he didn’t even get a chance!” One young man seemed rather warm hearted, dusting of Yang Chen as he spoke.

“Fine, let’s go, we’ll go back!” Basically nobody had any chance today, and everyone naturally followed when someone took the lead: “We still have a month on the road, let’s go! Maybe there’s a chance next year!”

“Forget about it, an immortal destiny spiritual root is Heaven’s destiny, if it didn’t work this year, next year probably won’t work either.” On the road down the mountain, someone sighed.

“Don’t say that, spiritual roots will be obtained at a certain auspicious time. As the body grows, root bones will appear at some time, perhaps my time of growth will come this year, then I’ll have an immortal destiny spiritual root next year!” The speaker was naturally a person filled with hope for his own body.

“Yang Xi and Yang Lan were lucky this year, old master Yang will become even more dominant now. His grandson and granddaughter both have cultivation spiritual roots, he will walk even straighter in the village!” Along with disappointment, there was naturally also pride. Everyone also spoke with envious tones.

Yang Xi and Yang Lan. When Yang Chen heard these two names, dusty memories seemed to irresistibly re-emerge from the depths of his mind. Especially Yang Xi, who Yang Chen hated to the bone. If not for him, his master wouldn’t have been implicated. If not for him, Yang Chen wouldn’t have had to live a humiliating life of hiding his identity and relying on the charity of others, dodging west and hiding in the east. It might be said that at least fifty percent of Yang Chen’s misfortunes could be blamed on Yang Xi.

Fortunately Yang Chen had been reborn now, and also been reborn before he had began to cultivate. That meant that Yang Chen had countless opportunities. Walking behind everyone on the road back home, Yang Chen secretly made plans.

Yang Chen actually felt he was lucky to have been driven away outside the monastery gate because of his scream. Yang Chen didn’t know if he could have held back his anger if he really had confronted the people of the Greatest Heaven Sect. He didn’t have any magic power at the moment, and he wasn’t the opponent for even the lowest level disciple.

Yang Chen cared even less about not being chosen. With the memories and more than ten thousand years of cultivation experience in his mind, entering some sect or not was completely meaningless to him.

Even if Yang Chen was good for nothing in his last life, and even good-for-nothing when he had reached the world of immortals, in the end he had once been a great primary golden immortal. Of the sects in this mundane world, besides the Pure Yang Palace of his sect, how could any of them enter Yang Chen’s sight? How would Yang Chen be unable to step into the world of immortals by relying on the cultivation experience from his last life? At worst, even walking the same road as before, he could still become a great primary golden immortal again.

However, did he really want to walk the same old road as before? Framed by Yang Xi, hunted by the Greatest Heaven Sect, humiliated by the Profound Heaven Sect’s restriction? When this though scuttled through his mind, an extremely enticing idea appeared immediately afterward. Before old devil Yi exploded his body, he had told a lot of things to the equally dying Yang Chen, even including some devil methods old devil Yi had used to improve his spiritual roots before cultivating.

Old devil Yi had been on a rampage in the immortal world for centuries, tens of thousands of celestial troops and generals unable to do anything against him. Finally a traitor had sold him out, trapped in a net laid out by a hundred thousand celestial soldiers, then surrounded and stopped. But even then, old devil Yi had still massacred in all directions, creating rivers of blood. In the end, succumbing from his serious injuries, he had used the Greater Demonic Body Exploding Technique to take the hundred thousand celestial soldiers down with him.

The reason why old devil Yi could move so unhindered in the immortal world was that one of his five phases, the flame spiritual root, was a complete spiritual root. Luckily, Yang Chen knew this spiritual root upgrading method, he also had a flame spiritual root, and right now he still hadn’t begun to cultivate. Wasn’t this a heaven sent opportunity?

With the appearance of this idea, Yang Chen’s heart immediately began to race. Even back when he had ascended to the spiritual world, and then again ascended to the immortal world, he still hadn’t forgot himself in excitement like this. However, at the same time as excitement, there was also an awkward feeling of being unable to either advance nor retreat.

That was a devil method that relied on murdering people and absorbing their life essence to supplement his spiritual roots. He was a reborn great primary golden immortal, did he really need to cultivate devil methods? Back then old devil Yi had killed tens of thousands of people, did he really have to go kill tens of thousands to cultivate? With his ten thousand years of cultivation experience, it was impossible for his cultivation to be lacking. Killing people to feed his spiritual roots on one side, regular cultivation on the other, the two ideas turned round and round in Yang Chen’s mind, for the moment he was unable to decide.

“Have you forgotten? Yang Chen!” In his mind, a strict voice berated him: “Have you forgotten how your master was humiliated, how she committed suicide holding hatred? Have you forgotten how you were framed by Yang Xi, never able to clear your name? Have you forgotten how you were humiliated and treated like a slave by that arrogant Profound Sect fellow after ascending? Have you forgotten it all? You’ve already spent a life a loser, will you spend this life as a loser as well?”

“No!” Yang Chen gave a low shout, those bitter memories he had thought forgotten rushing into his heart in an instant. His master’s sad and beautiful expression when she faced death, Yang Xi’s pride after framing him, the contemptuous gaze of that lord in the immortal realm looking at him as if he was even lower than a dog, all appeared frantically before his eyes. Finally, he again remembered the moment his master gave him the Bright Light Sword.

“No!” Nothing was allowed to break the beauty of this moment. Unprecedented resolve was expressed in Yang Chen’s gaze: “Even if I have to carry the burden of even greater massacres, even if I become a unique monster, I will still protect you, I will still keep you happy and safe from now on.”

Having patiently endured for ten thousand years in his previous life, Yang Chen’s character was incomparably tenacious. After making his decision now, Yang Chen instantly calmed down. Looking at the tall Greatest Heaven Sect gate, he gave a cold laugh, then turned and left.

“Master, wait for me, wait for me to enter your sect again. The tragedies of my last life will not happen again.” Yang Chen shouted inwardly, like a vow: “In my last life you helped raise everything I had, in this life, let me help raise you to Heaven!”


Total Chapters in book: 1177
Estimated words: 2161058 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 10805(@200wpm)___ 8644(@250wpm)___ 7204(@300wpm)